"Long time no see kids"

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Scarina's POV

As Ruby walks out of Ozpins office after being asked about everything that happened last night after she encountered someone wearing a mask and she fought her but ultimately she escaped into the night.

Ironwood says "Well there you have it we send as many tropes as we can to the southeast find out exactly what's going on and eradicate any forces that stand in our way" and Glynda chimes in "Why must your answer to everything involve a triumphant display of military bravado you treat every situation as a contest of measuring D-" she's cut off by Ozpin "Glynda" and she sighs "Well he does".

Ozpin says "She's right as much as I too would like to end this situation once and for all we must remember this situation may very well go beyond Vale, beyond Beacon and if this truly is just part of a master plan for which we know not th final move we mustn't be so bold nor can we risk the spread of panic" and Ironwood sighs "I have served you faithfully for years but if you mean to tell me your plan is to merely hold the defenses and wait-" that's when I cut him off "It is not god James why must you be so quick to show off your forces tell me in the act of battle which do you send out first the flag bearer or the Scouts" and he looks at me and sighs knowing I'm right and Glynda smiles at me.

"Good to have you back Scar" and she hugs me "Good to be back" and I smile at Ozpin he nods at me "Ozpin how've been old timer" and he smiles "I've been better honestly I wish I didn't have to call you from your teachings at Haven and bring you here to help me out with scoping the enemy and knowing their plans" and I laugh "Oh please I'll do anything for you and it's been a while since I've been out on a mission also I'm glad you called me finally" and he nods "I wish I didn't have to but desperate times calls for desperate measures and you are the best of the best if we don't count Qrow that is" and I gasp "How dare you insinuate he's stronger than me".

He laughs and so do I 'I missed hearing him laugh that sounded genuine and knowing him I bet he's tired" and I look at him "So did you tell them I was going to be their mentor" he shakes his head "I wanted it to be a surprise" and I nod and I walk to the elevator "Well I'm off hopefully I won't have to fight cause it's been a while since I have" and he nods "Oh I'm sure you will" and I laugh "Guess their screwed if I get angry see ya Ozpin and Glynda also you to James"and I wave at them.

(Time skip to when they are in front of the ship)

As I'm talking to the pilot I hear them approach and I say "Yeah they're first years" and he gives an impressed laugh "They must me damn good if they're going on this mission and if they brought you here Miss Askari this mission must be top priority" and I laugh "You know to call me Scarina or Scar but yeah it is also when you drop us off make sure you stay safe as well you never know what Grimm can be in the air" he nods "Will do Miss Scar" and I roll my eyes and I walk out of the ship and their backs are turned away from me and start tapping my foot waiting for them and I hear them whispering about who their mentor could be.

"Do you think it might be Professor Port" I hear the White haired one say and then then the black haired one says "I hope not he likes to stare a lot" and then I hear Ruby "What if it's Professor Oobleck" and they all gag in disgust and I laugh this causes them to stop and I hear Yang say "Wait I know that voice" and I laugh again "Well you should" and they all turn around and Yang and Ruby gasp and I say "Hey long time no see kids" and I smile they both rush and hug me Ruby uses her speed and jumps on me and screams "Aunt Scar it's been so long since we've seen you did you miss us" and I laugh and say "Of course I did My little rose" and she cringes "Come on Aunt Scar I'm not 5 anymore" and I laugh "Sorry" and she hops off me and I look at Yang and smile "How are you sunshine" and she laughs "Oh you're not going to tell me to not call you that" and she shakes her head "Well sunshine am I getting a hug or no" and jumps on me to and Ruby joins in the hug as well and I let them go "I missed you two how's Tai" and they nod with a few tears "Dads fine how are you" and I smile "I'm fine now introduce your teammates" and they smile and run next to them "This is my partner Weiss Schnee" and I widen my eyes and I look at Yang and she says "This is my partner Blake Belladonna" and my eyes get even bigger and they notice my face and they look at me confused and ask "Is something wrong Aunt Scar" and I look at both of them "So you're Ghira's child I thought he had a son guess I was wrong" and she looks shocked " You know my father" and I nod "Oh please Ghira and I know of each other but I'm not his biggest fan" and she nods sad a little "Just because I'm not a fan of your father and your a Faunus doesn't mean I'll treat you differently I promise".

I look at Weiss "And you Schnee" and she looks sad "Do you know my father as well and you don't like him either" and I nod "Yes and no honestly I wish I didn't know him but my beef is with your sister" and she smiles at the mention of her sister but it drops instantly as my words sink in "What did my sister do to you" and I smile sadly "Judging by your reaction to my mention of your sister you think highly of her so I won't corrupt your admiration of her by telling you what she did but know that I'm not fan of your family but judging by how you immediately went to your father I know that you are different than them" and she smiles a little and I say "Well guess we are all connected in some way that's good it makes this a little easier so here's how this works because you are first years they asked me to come here from Haven as one of the best Huntresses to help you with this mission now the part of the world that we are going is heavy with Grimm do not be afraid to ask for my help but also don't ask for my help just because you want to see me fight if I know you can handle it then you won't see anything are we clear" they all nod and I smile "Good now let's get on the ship" and I see that Ruby has a bag "Oh Ruby I thought you were told to leave your things back at Beacon" and she looked surprised "Sorry you hadn't told us to listen to you so I didn't" and I nod "True anyway go ahead and put your things back with your luggage and we'll get it when we get there" and she was about to protest "Ruby seriously what's in the bag to were you won't put it-" then a head popped out "Is that Zwei" she nodded and Zwei looked at and I squealed "Omg it's been so long honey I missed you so much you've gotten so big " and he was wagging his tail and licking my face at all the pet name I gave him.

Then I look at them and they are all giving me looks and I put him and clear my throat "He can stay but only if he behaves right Zwei" and he barked "Good boy"and we go on into the ship 'Well this is going to be interesting'.

(Hope you like this story Rwby is one of my favorite shows so I'm praying you guys like it so please comment and vote on the stories it really helps me anyways love you bye)

I'm fine (RWBY x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora