oh, hi

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At a bus stop waiting all alone
Starting to get bored
People on the way goin'
Cars are passing by
While I wait for my ride home
Bus stopping
Doors open
I see two guys hugging each other
Just to keep balance tho
Cuz it's so crowded
When one flashes a smile and waves
I stare dumbfounded

Oh, hi
Stranger on the bus
Conversation won't be long I know
Points at
His friend and talks to me
But I can't hear him over the noise
The door is closing
He says hi one more time
And I wave back
The bus starts the engine
And it's gone
But I think I made a friend.

I think of what I'd say
If I do see you again
I'm delusional I know.
But I can't really shake
A stupid smile off my face
Thinking back at what you've done
I also think you're cute
But I can't tell that to you
Cause I can't believe in love at first sight
So I stay here in my thoughts
Making up stupid excuses
Oh really I just fantasize

Oh, hi
Stranger from the bus
Conversation won't be long I know
Guess what
you really made me laugh
And I can't thank you enough my bro
Smiling we would then shake hands
And decide that we'd be friends
(or something more)
What am I saying
It won't happen, I get it
But I want it so bad I cannot help it.
Bye bye stranger on the bus
I wave while the door is closed.

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