38. Unexpected Couple

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"Nothing...you just look so beautiful when you laugh honey..." Jeongguk says.

Jimin smiles and nods but then widens his eyes as wide as saucers. Someone not knowing the whole conversation would have thought that a spell might have been casted on Jimin and turned him into a stone. Because man he looked so shock-ed!

Taehyung who was about to reply to Jeongguk's flattering comment notices Jimin and nudges him.

"Jimin... what happened?" He whispers.

"H-honey?" Jimin says, his eyes still wide but now looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung clears his throat. "Yeah um this is what I wanted to tell you... we are- we are back together now..." He says, his face getting red as he receives no reaction from Jimin.

"Jimin?" He nudges him again.

"Jimin... Are you okay? Do you need water??" Jeongguk asks offering his bottle to him, but no response.

"Should we take him to hospital... he is not responding to our calls... I think he has gone deaf" Jeongguk suspiciously says to Taehyung...


"You- you guYS ARE DATING!?? OMGGGGGG!! I AM SOOO HAPPYYYY!!!" Before Taehyung could say, Jimin stands and squeals in a high pitched voice, catching everyone's attention in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was now silent and everyone's attention was on their table. Jeongguk face palms himself and mumbles, "This dramatic shorty..."

Jimin smiles awkwardly and says, "Sorry... um you guys can continue... sorry" Soon everyone shake their heads and focus back on eating as Jimin takes a seat again.

"Yeah so I was saying-"

"You both are dating!?" All three of them hear Yoongi's voice, who was standing with his tray of food. Beside him was Hoseok with a similar expression as Yoongi.

Now Jeongguk completely falls his head on the table. He planned to tell Yoongi and Hoseok calmly but guess god, no no this spawn of Satan Jimin, had another plans.

Taehyung takes looks at the people around him. Jimin who was awkwardly looking between him and Jeongguk, Yoongi and Hoseok who were in shock and Jeongguk, who had his head on the table.

He sighs and looks at Yoongi with a small smile, "Yes hyung, me and Jeongguk are dating..."

Jeongguk picks his head from the table and sees Yoongi widen his eyes for a millisecond before he nods and takes a seat near Jimin followed by Hoseok. Silence falls over the table but then Yoongi clears his throat.

"So as far as I can use my brain... this might be related to you being absent from the university and Jeongguk being depressed this whole week?"

Taehyung feels a pang in his heart upon hearing about what Yoongi said about Jeongguk being depressed the whole time he was not there. He bites his lips before saying, "Yeah we had to sort some things... and we did..." while looking at Jeongguk who takes Taehyung's hand from under the table and caresses it. They both smile at each other warmly and look at each other with so much love that even a person standing on the gates of the cafeteria could sense their feelings for each other.

"Ohkayy... so how are you? I mean everything's alright now right?" They hear Yoongi say again and Taehyung looks at him with the happiest smile, his eyes forming crescents. "Yes hyung everything's alright and I am also good. Thank you for asking..." He whispers the last part... this was the first time he was talking to anyone, especially Yoongi, in the friends group besides Jimin and Jeongguk. He was surprised that Yoongi showed concern towards him.


"Not just great! It's really really great! You guys are dating!! I mean WOW! You really were an unexpected couple!" Hoseok interrupts Yoongi and squeals in the most cheerful way possible, besides he did not gain the attention of the whole cafeteria like Jimin did.

"I know right! Isn't it cool to have a couple in our friends group! I think we should celebrate!" Jimin says clasping his hands. Hoseok nods before Yoongi says,

"Guys guys calm your horses down... It's upon Taehyung and Jeongguk if they want to celebrate or not. They are the couple we are talking about so they should get to decide."

"Oh Yoongi hyung thank you. At least there's someone who is thinking about my poor self..." Jeongguk says and shakes his head dramatically.

"Yahh Jeongguk we all know how much of a poor person you are" Jimin teases as he sees Jeongguk put his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I think if everyone wants then we can do a little celebration Gukkie." Taehyung whispers and looks down at Jeongguk, who smiles at him, holding stars in his eyes.

"Okay... If that's what you say"

"Ooooh whipped Jeongukkieee!!" Hoseok whistles teasing them, making everyone laugh at the table.

They start eating in silence, sharing few words here and there. After a while, Yoongi asks, "Jimin, Why didn't Jihyo come today?"

The mention of Jihyo's name makes Taehyung go stiff. He still can't forget that day when everything went downhill once again in his life. It was like a nightmare. He feels Jeongguk's warm hand engulfing his and giving a comforting rub.

"Uh... she was not feeling well today..." Jimin says. After that day, he hasn't talked to her. The only interaction they had was on dining table while eating food. Even though, she was his sister, what she did was not acceptable. Driven by jealousy and obsession, she changed the meaning of liking someone.

"Oh... tell her to take care" Yoongi says and they change the topic to something else.


Double update because I did not want to leave that last dialogue in previous chapter hanging 😅

Anyways do comment and vote if you liked the chapter!💜



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