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•• Megan ••

Erik asked if I was hungry which honestly shocked me cause bitch why would he care that I'm hungry. Anyway we at this hole in the wall restaurant and I'm not gon lie his fries look good.

You think I could try one of your fries they look good as hell I say

He ignores me and continues eating. I really want one though



Earth to Erik



He abruptly stops stuffing his face and stares at me as I nervously smile

Yo ass is annoying you could've got the same shit now you wanna bite off my shit and that's not how you say that shit you sound dumb he says

Nigga who you calling dumb and second of all teach me how to say it after you give me some of your fries pleaseeeee I bat my eye lashes

I reach over his plate grabbing a fry and eating it in his face twerking in my seat

Erik that's good you should get some to go I ask

You should keep yo hands off my shit he says resuming eating

So Erik you know we're officially work spouses. You my work husband one day future husband I smile

That's a quite a prediction he says

When do you want to have kids I wanna have some in the next 2 to 3 years I shrug

I don't want kids he says and keeps it short

Why not you work with kids and you like them I ask

People like things a lot doesn't mean they want them or need them he says

Well I want kids and a husband I think by the age 26 or 27 I smile

You ready to go so I can take you to grab your bag he and throwin his napkin on his plate

I nod as he grabs the check before I can and pays for the food in cash leaving a tip as he gets up to walk out

Umm you not gonna wait for the waitress to come

No let's go he says I shrug and follow him heading to his house

Erik home .......

Once we pull up to his house I get out my car and follow him to the front door. He scans his face as the door is opened it's dark as hell as we walk in. I can't see Erik but I can hear his footsteps and it's making a bitch scared he not  talking. The light switches on and bitches with bald heads and spears are standing in the living room I shriek as he looks annoyed

•• Erik ••

I knew they were here this is the last thing i need especially with megan here.

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