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•• Megan ••

Was Incoming call summer

I sigh should I answer we haven't talked in forever she's grown so I've been trying to let her be grown


Cuz you forgot about me she asks

What are you talking about summer I ask

I haven't heard from you in weeks your really mad about me not calling you she says

No summer it's the principle your moving reckless and I care about you more then that nigga. Your not just somebody to have sex with that's that nigga appeal your my flesh and blood. It's hurt me to see you put yourself in vulnerable situations summer knowing I can't do anything about it

Megan it's not your responsibility to save me you can't keep fighting being alone Megan everyone has to be alone sometimes

Are your done stripping I ask

No I'm not done stripping and I'm not quitting I make good money and my boyfriend is okay with it

Summer you sound dumb ass hell your only 19 how about going to college I say

I'm not you Megan she says

I failed I said

What you mean now she says irritated

I promised your mom to take care of you and I failed miserably I say shaking my head

I'm alive aren't I you take shit to seriously cuz

I have to summer the real world this not some fantasy fuck niggas get high shit is real I say

I miss the old you. You think you changed for the better but I don't like this new you. You so judgmental and fucking annoying like your my mom she says

I had to grow up summer maybe if I had the luxury of goofing shit off like you then maybe that version of Megan would still be here

Well congratulations on your maturing she says sarcastically

Summer I don't wanna be at odds with you your my only family left I say

Your not gonna lose me cousin just stop trying to tell me who I'm going to be because your gonna be disappointed she says

The call ends

Maybe she right out of sight out of mind she grown she can have it I'm done I can't care more then she care she think dating a scammer slash wanna be drug dealer is cool then shit it's cool

I haven't talked to Erik since that nightmare shit and it's Christmas Eve tomorrow. I already bought and wrapped his gifts I need help with my tree. I thought me and solana was spending Christmas together but she went back to Colorado with justice. I got her that expensive ass  paint supplies Solana paints she's actually pretty good

Calling Erik

Hello answers the phone but is silent I roll my eyes why can't he just say hello

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