Chapter 1

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İlk hikayem biraz endişeliyim:)
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I was waiting at the bus stop. It was another boring day. I was going to school; ı had to go there. The weather was cold so ı needed wear gloves and a beret. Whereas ı hate wearing those kind of things.
On the bus stop, there was just me and a man who was holding a bag in his hand. I got on the bus with my backpack. We were in Autumn. While yellow and orange leaves were flying, ı was watching them from the window of the bus and thinking how boring life was. When ı reached the school, felt a strange atmosphere. A haste was dominant at the school. I surprised and began thinking about what the reason of  that was. I guessed it had something to do with a trip when ı shot a glance around. I had guessed right. The school organized a trip but it was surprising that ı was the last to hear about the trip. So, an announcement should have been made whenever  a trip was organized; however , ı couldn't see anything about the trip or the announcement when ı entered the school. I felt the same haste here too when ı came to the class, even stronger than at the school. I settled in and thinking about what exactly happening. Really, what was going on? What was the reason that things? While ı was thinking about these, someone came to the class: my class teacher, Mr. Harbour. Then ı thought that all of these was ordinary and trivial things. It was just a simple trip, that's all. I leaned in, put my head against the window and thought again how boring life was when ı was looking at bare trees with few leaves.

When the person got off at the school stop, he looked anxiously at his watch, he would be late. He had to catch the train. The bus was not moving. He looked again to his watch and relized that he couldn't catch the train at that moment. He looked where they were and decided he'd get there faster by running. He just got off the bus, started running towards the train station. He could catch up, at least he had to catch up. The weather was cold. He was breathing faster as he started running faster, his lungs were burning from the cold as he breathed. Quasi, the bag in his hand was weighing upon him. His arms began aching, his legs began getting tired because of running. For all that, he reached the train station at the right time. Not exactly; he was a bit late. Took a breath and noticed that it was not only himself who was the late to the train. Other people were bustling too. Families were saying goodbye to lovers with their tears. In epitome, haste was dominant at the train station, like always. After he rested a few minutes, began to go towards the train. When he was getting close to the train, saw a student group. While he was thinking 'I wonder, is there a trip or something like that?' The train whistle blew. Took his hat and settled in, said thanks to God for not missing the train. Then the train began moving. Put his head against the window; he was watching trees flow like a flood because of train's speed. He fidgeted uncomfortably and had noticed that the train carriage was empty. There was just: elderly couple, mom and her son, of course himself. Naturally, it would be a quiet and peaceful and calm train trip. Eventually there was elderly couple, a mom and her son, a writer. What could be worse ? While he was thinking, he fell asleep but he forgot something: other carriages and students participating in the tour.

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