Night of the Grievers

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Everyone was panicking, Alby,Newt and Minho barked orders at everyone as Thomas, Chuck and I distributed weapons throughout the Gladers. I heard Gladers screaming and I turned around. I starred in panic as I realised that there was a Griever chasing them. Newt had told me about them but I had never seen one, they were terrifying. I struggled to not shift, feeling my eyes turn from Y/EC to silver, I would have to fight without shifting. I saw a bow lying on the floor with a bag of around thirty arrows,  hesitantly I picking it up I aimed for the first Griever I laid my eyes on and shot it through it's throat, it's head almost falling on Jeff. "We gotta run."Newt yelled over the screams that filled the Glade. "Nice job." Thomas said patting my shoulder. "Thanks."I replied as we ran to the council hall. I loaded another arrow and shot at a Griever who was about to attack Winston.

We got to council hall and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins urging me to shift. I took a few deep breaths but stopped as I heard something on the roof. Suddenly a stinger crashed through the roof clutching onto Chuck but before I could load another arrow Alby already attacked it. The Griever retracted it's tail. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding but then the stinger came back taking Alby with it. I wanted to run after Alby, to try and save him but Minho held me back. If I had just shifted this wouldn't have happened, but it was to late. As silence fell over the glade I knew it was over.

We all walked outside seeing the Glade parcilly in flames, the cold night air filled with the silent screams of the lost Gladers.

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