Episode 4

10 1 3

Cyd: Did you see anything?

(Should I tell him? No, I can't tell him what I saw. Not in front of Gwyn.)

(What should I tell Cyd?)

clara: There was an, uhhh...a weird demon.

clara: But it happened so fast, I didn't really catch


clara: I'm not even sure that's what I actually saw... Cyd's expression grows pensive, but Gwyn is scowling at me.

(Guess I said a little too much?)

Gwyn puts a hand on my shoulder.

Gwyn: Who knows what Ricardo might do if he found out his little prodigy was sneaking around?

Gwyn: Last I checked, even you needed written permission from your Commander to be here.

Cyds jaw clenches

Cyd: I am still watching you. You will slip up eventually

Cyd walks out and I can't help but watch him go
Somehow I feel like he dosent have many friends

Gwyn turns to me

Gwyn: shall I help you home fair lady

I swear I can't read him
He continues his sentence

Gwyn: Your parents must be worried

Clara: they are my foster parents..., but yes they must be distressed...

Gwyn: then I will arrange you a carriage to deliver you back home safely...
He smirked

Wait wtf is he making fun of me or something?..

Even if he is it dosent matter as I am already replaying the nights events in my head as gwyn guides me out of the building...

I was so excited to join the order of first light but...somehow I have a feeling that there is much more going on than what I would have expected.
Hopefully it's nothing too nefarious
But idk why I don't believe that thought one bit..


I take a deep breath to calm down but the excitement is too much

I can't believe i am here!!!!

The EASTERN Citadel..as a SQUIRE!!

I wonder if I will eventually get picked to serve as a full knight...I hope I do..

My thoughts wander as I wait with about fifteen other new recruits in formation

The birds chirp in early morning light , the brisk air fresh

Footsteps approach quickly as i turn to see a imposing man with a a light scar? Or is it a tattoo? God I don't know all I know is not to get on his bad side..he seems to be in charge of this place there are two other people walking close behind him...one is a tall man and other is a girl quiet thin to be mistaken as a normal citizen..

Imposing man: what a fine bunch of new faces we have here

Well if I look close he is maybe what in his early 40s I guess...

Imposing man: i am Ricardo mendoza, the Commander general of the knights order of first light...

The Commander general there leafer..well just as I thought am not surprised..

Ricardo: in practice just Commander or Commander general is fine...
He gives everyone a big smile

Oh wow did he just said the obvious.. well I thought for once thst he will say that you can just call me Ricardo.. hm..well he takes his job quiet seriously..

Ricardo: now ya all must be wondering why this meeting was so early, to put it simply your training will begin with dawn and end at 8:00 pm each evening respectively
It won't be easy some of you very well may drop out...and that's OK..

His voice isn't stern, simply objective and blunt

Ricardo: knighthood isn't for everyone and it's best to weed out
Those who don't make a cut early...

Wow pretty harsh of him...

Ricardo: we don't need warriors who can't pull there weight or even worse--..impede there teammates..
That's how we lose defenders of humanity

I guess he is right there..now all I hope I am capable oh God what no I am capable that's what I should think yes I can do it..

An eerie quiet falls over the yard as we think on Ricardos words

He claps his hands tighter startling us all out of our own thoughts back to Ricardo

Ricardo: now just some quick introduction

Ricardo approaches each of the recruits and ask for their name, hometown and motivation.

Ack, i need to think how will I answer.

Ricardo shakes there hands before moving to another one...

Gosh I need to think quick on how should I answer him..

When he finally gets to me, my mouth is dry and I am blank for first few seconds

Ricardo: the best for the last eh?..

I look to the women beside him as she mouths name, hometown and motivation to me...

Clara: my name is clara..and..er..I am from a small town from the southwest from here called calay
And..my motivation...

What's my motivation?..wow I don't even know..

Clara: um...to..

Think clara think if you don't wanna make a bad impression..God why don't my brain works at times like these!! Kill me lord..

To be continued....

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