Episode 5

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Clara: my name is clara..and..er..I am from a small town from the southwest from here called calay
And..my motivation...

NWhat's my motivation?..wow I don't even know..

Clara: um...to..

Think clara think if you don't wanna make a bad impression..God why don't my brain works at times like these!!

Clara: um..to..uh to protect humanity and fight corruption...yes...

Well wow that sounded a bit cliche..

Clara: demonic corruption is evil and that should be stopped. And I want to help the order in defending against it. I want to protect humanity. To do what's right for all the man kind..

Cliche cringe God I cant believe I said that..but not to mention it was my dream..and not to mention money..a heavy amount of money...hehe

Ricardo smiles and offers me his hand to shake

Ricardo: An admirable goal. I think i will be expecting great things from you clara.

Ricardo turns to face everyone

Ricardo: Your recruitment group is a bit special. We are currently in crises and have expedited the knighthood process for you.

Ricardo: you all have passed the aptitude test that show you have some of the traits we look for in  knights.

Ricardo: But non of you have undergone the intense battle training required to become full- fledged knights.

Ricardo: For now you all will be squires but assigned to support roles with battle positions.

A few murmurs go up st this.

The demons must be getting stronger than I thought, for the order to be this desperate for recruits.

One of a male recruit which was standing next to me in line spoke up..

Male recruit: you are going to send us into battle without any training!?

Wow he looks frightened..

To his question Ricardo holds a hand up as he spoke

Ricardo: I said support position.
You'll be undergoing your battle training while also doing field work.

Ricardo: you will be partnered with  knights who are skilled and capable. See Nicole for your placements.

Ricardo waves towards a women who was carrying a clipboard..and the women who mouth me the questions earlier...hm..she is small with with a cute bun..and oh my God those green eyes of her..in short she cute and beautiful..

At the ricardos words I line up to find where I am being assigned.


I think this was the second Division's building. Now all I have to do is find the Division's captain...what did Nicole said his name was..um..Ethan yea..

I recalled in my head how each recruit was assigned to different Division's, if they only accepted one person each, they can't be hurting for people that much, can they?

I noticed "board room" written on one of the doors and poke my head in.

It's empty

As I turn to check another room a man jogs over to me

I hope he didn't see me looking through the rooms no I hope I didn't do something I shouldn't have..

The man stood infront of me looking me up..he looks sharp..I mean real sharp and have seen action..oh well who am i kidding..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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