Krishna in Treta Yuga - Chapter 2

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This is like so random, but I had this dream, which kinda went like this, but much crazier, so I'm writing this. Please forgive me as I'm pretty sure this is going to suck-


Krishna sat near the tree, zoned out. Something bad was going to happen, and Shri Ram knew, but they didn't know what the 'something bad' is.

"Bhaiya?" Lakshmana called, Krishna looked at him sternly.

"We need to go." Rama met Krishna's eye, and knew what to do. Though Rama didn't know he was Krishna/Vishnu, he still was, and their connection did exist, because they were literally the same person.

"Now." Krishna added. There was a rumble. There was another rumble. A flood(it was an avalanche in my dream, but that makes no sense here-) "Go!" 

"Krishna, you're coming with us." Rama said, and Krishna sighed. Of course he knew that Krishna was planning to stay. Krishna hadn't really tested out his powers after coming to Treta Yuga, and he had a feeling that they weren't going to work properly, but it was worth a try. But Rama wasn't going to allow that. There was no time now, and the water was gushing down faster than ever. They could hear the sounds of trees breaking, Krishna tried, he tried his best to stop the flood, but he couldn't.

They looked at each other, panic filled their eyes. They couldn't run away from the flood, they couldn't escape.

With one huge swish, the water covered the three of them, threatening to pull them into it's strong currents. Krishna managed to grab onto a large branch that was stuck between something, his grip firm but strained. He lend his hand out, and Rama grabbed it, who then grabbed onto Lakshmana. He turned around and looked at Rama, who some-how still gave out calm and composed energies. 

"Krishna, hold on!" Rama called out, his voice nothing but a whisper compared to the sound of nature's fury. "Try to climb on the branch!" Krishna nodded, it seemed impossible, the harsh water was hitting them right in the face, but it was worth a try. Gathering all his energy, he tried to climb onto it. Everything was hopeful for a second, until with another hit of the water, the branch broke, the the trio was engulfed by the water.

Every time any one of them was successful in staying afloat, the water pulled them in.

Why is Bhoomi devi so anger?

They couldn't think much, they were being tossed around like dolls by the currents. Krishna felt his mortal body slowly starting to give up, but he couldn't. If he couldn't take it, neither could Rama and Lakshmana.

Under the water, Krishna strained to catch glimpses of Rama or Lakshmana. He could make out their figures in the distance. He needed to get to them before it was too late. They all need to be together.


The water was unexpected and sudden, there were so signs of an incoming flood. It had barely even rained. Rama didn't know what to do, but he knew one thing, all three of them need to be together for them to even have a chance to make it out. Rama pulled himself up, and saw Krishna, frantically waving at him. Krishna was way behind Rama, either he had to swim back against the current, or Krishna had to swim with the current. Both seemed dangerous, but Krishna's seemed easier. But wait- where's Lakshman? Rama and Krishna could make out a small figure in the distance, and Krishna had started to swim towards it. Rama tried to, but he couldn't; though mad, he somehow knew that Lakshmana would be safe with Krishna.


Krishna's worry had increased seeing his Lakshmana unconscious, after taking a quick breath, he dived in and pulled his brother close to his chest. Now, focusing all his attention towards Rama, he pushed forward. 

He lent his hand out to his past self, and Rama tried to grab it, but with another swish of water, they were pulled away. His eyes rolled back as Krishna quickly grabbed him too.

What is happening?  was all Krishna could think. Enough is enough, and Krishna was getting mad. "STOP!" he yelled, closing his eyes, and the flood crumbled under him. He placed the brothers on the ground and placed his hands on their forehead. A divine glow filled the three of them, and Rama and Lakshmana, with a small groan, opened their eyes. Krishna sighed, calming himself. 

"Thank you, Krishna, w-we will n-never forget your help." Rama said between breaths, and Lakshmana nodded. He helped them stand up, then gave a small pat to Rama, he was going to need it. Then, turning towards Lakshmana, he could help but hug him, tears flowing out of his eyes. It was an understatement to say the were surprised. But Lakshmana gladly hugged Krishna back.  

"I l-love you, so, so much." he whispered, slowly breaking the hug. He didn't want to, but he knew he had to. Wiping away his tears, he told them, "I need to go now, but I'll miss you so, so much." the last part directed towards Lakshmana, he hugged him again, before disappearing with a divine glow.

"Bhaiya- did you see that?!" Lakshmana cried, staring at where Krishna once stood. "D-did he just-" Rama nodded with a smile, 

"He's someone great, above our understanding, that's all I know."

"But why was he so attached to me?" Lakshmana asked, after a while, he continued, "Honestly bhaiya, he reminded me of you. His love, the way he hugged me, everything.. it's like he's you, but- but still different.."


"Kanha?" Dau shook his brother, "You disappeared, then re-appeared in like one second!" Krishna didn't say anything, he just hugged Balarama. 

"I was back.. I was back.." Balarama knew what his brother meant, and smiled, hugging him tighter.


Abrupt ending?


Did I somehow like it?

Also yes.

The next chapter will continue as if this never happened, because as I wrote in the description, these are like short stories. Some will be longer than other, some will be shorter, so :)

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to put a comment, or message me!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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