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i have so, so so many ideas for warrriors fics. but it all leads to one conclusion (which i cant tell you because of spoilers.) the thing is, i cant seem to create characters that i'm genuinely excited to write about.  both for the book, and in general. 

i have a few older ones, which, looking back at now are. . horribly developed, undetailed, unfleshed out, basic, and a lot of other terrible things i'll spare you the boredom of hearing, but i'll tell you one thing: i loved every single one at the time of making them.

i wasn't worried about nice-looking forms, quotes, details, or any extra baggage. i need to get back into the headspace; of characters that make me happy, rather than having a pretty form layout, or a nicely worded backstory. or plain-out what i think would make other people happy. 

but, how do i do that?

i have absolutely no clue. but, i have a few guesses.

 1 )  find the perfect character layout.

a large part of my process is based on how nice my form looks. so, maybe if i find a layout that i enjoy, this problem can be solved, and i can effortlessly dive back into my character-making spree.

2  )   change the setting.

maybe i'll become one of the people who just  writes forms in the comments rather than in an oc book. this is based on the same reason as the previous solutionish idea, and i doubt anyone wants to hear that again.

3 ) beg for people in the comments to give me suggestions.

self-explanatory. have a blast

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