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Chapter One

Chapter One

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Ms. Julie's voice echoes through the walls of my room, jolting me out of my slumber. With a groan, I reluctantly open my eyes and squint against the bright sunlight streaming in through my window. Slowly, I stretch my legs out from under the covers and sit up, taking a moment to adjust to the new day ahead.

"Good morning, Ms. Astor. It's time for breakfast," Ms. Julie's voice rings out again, reminding me of the daily family breakfast that my father never fails to organize. I glance over at my dresser and see that it's already 9:00am, the usual time for our family to gather and start the day together. Despite feeling a bit tired, I know that this morning routine is important for our family's bonding and productivity. With a sigh, I get out of bed and start getting ready for the day ahead.

As I slowly awaken from my peaceful slumber, I hear the familiar sound of Ms. Julie's footstep walking away from my bedroom door. She has been my loyal maid for the past ten years, ever since I was a naive eight-year-old girl. Now, at eighteen, I am still living under my father's roof and Ms. Julie is still here, faithfully taking care of our home.

As I get out of bed and stretch my limbs, I reach for my golden brush that sits atop my dresser. I make my way to the large vanity mirror in my room, combing through my browns curls that I inherited from my mother. The sunlight streaming in through the windows highlights the brown hues in my hair, making me grateful for my genetics.

After I am satisfied with my hair, I make my way to the master bathroom to complete my morning routine. As I brush my teeth and wash my face, I can feel the hunger pangs in my stomach growl in anticipation for breakfast. I quickly finish up and head downstairs, my steps echoing through the long staircase. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm pancakes waft through the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

The warm rays of the sun seep through the kitchen windows, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The curtains gently dance with the breeze, adding to the peaceful ambiance of the morning. Breakfast has been beautifully laid out on the spacious patio, taking advantage quickly of the glorious weather on this hot and sunny day. As I make my way towards my dad, I can't help but admire his distinguished appearance -black skin tone matches his black hair and grey beard, paired with his piercing brown eyes. He is engrossed in reading the newspaper on his phone, sipping on his steaming cup of coffee. I greet him with a kiss on the cheek, to which he responds with a grumble of hello, still absorbed in the news.

I gulp but move foward as I sit down at the table, the table is filled with all types of breakfast food. I get a slice of bread and put butter on it as I sip my orange juice. I hear the birds chirping and the sun is beaming on my forehead.

The whole table is quiet as it is just me and my dad. Even though we have all the money in the world, my relationship with my own father isn't the best one.

I take out my phone as I continue texting my best friend vanessa about tonight's party. it's being thrown at her house but the traditon happens every so often.

I'm done with my breakfast so I give my dad a kiss on the cheek and leave the room feeling empty as usual when I have breakfast with my dad.

I'm on the way to the stairs as I hear my phone buzz in my hand as I get into my room.

"Hey girl." I say to vanessa as I lay in bed.

"Hey so what are you wearing tonight." She says as I hearing her shuffling clothes around in her closet.

"I don't know I haven't figured it out yet."

"Well can you figure it out now. I'm really stressing about what I need to wear tonight."

I chuckle. "Your only stressing because you have so many clothes in your closet."

"It's not my fault that my closet is so freaking big. God what is wrong with my parents." she yells hysterically.

"Can you please help me? My uncle is coming tonight and I haven't seen him since the conflict with my parents. I really need your support."

Vanessa and I have been best friends since junior year of high school, bonding over our strained relationships with our parents. We understand each other's struggles as our parents are always busy and don't have time for us, just like my dad who won't even acknowledge me.

"Pick the red gown I gave you for your birthday," I suggest.

Vanessa's voice was filled with excitement as she spoke on the phone, her words making me laugh. "You're a genius, why didn't I think of that?" I could hear her say before she abruptly hung up, not even giving me a chance to respond. With a grin on my face, I got up from my bed and started getting ready for my horse riding lessons. Every Saturday morning, my dad had scheduled these lessons for me.

I quickly put on my practice uniform, consisting of black horse boots, white pants, a white shirt, and a black Ralph Lauren jacket. As I headed downstairs and out of the house, I could feel my excitement building. I loved going to the barn and spending time with my horse, it was my favorite activity.

As I open the barn doors, the familiar smell of hay and the comforting feeling of home surrounds me. My beloved horse Peddles greets me with a joyful neigh, her brown coat glistening in the sunlight that streams through the barn windows. I can't help but smile as I make my way over to her, feeling the softness of her fur as I pet her and take in the warmth of her presence.

Together, we make our way out of the barn and into the vast green field. As I saddle up and hold onto the reins, I feel a sense of peace and freedom wash over me. The wind in my face, the sound of hooves on the ground, and the rhythmic movements of Peddles bring me a sense of tranquility that I can't find anywhere else.

Peddles has been my companion for years, and she has become my home in a way that my big house never could. With her, I can escape from the chaos of the world and find solace in the simplicity of nature. As we ride through the fields, my thoughts and anxieties melt away.

As the sun sets and the wind grows colder, I reluctantly bring my horse, Peddles, back to the stable. I have a party to attend tonight, but I can't resist the peacefulness of riding through the green field. I check my watch and see that I only have two hours to get ready. With a heavy sigh, I head inside, already hearing my phone buzzing with notifications and reminders.

The thought of putting on makeup and a fancy dress for the party feels like a chore compared to the freedom and tranquility of being on horseback. But I know I can't miss this event, so I push aside my reluctance and start getting ready.

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