Part 2

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Word count: 1013
You two grew close, no longer needing Dina with them as an excuse to hangout. By then, your fondness for Ellie had grown into a full-blown crush. Ellie's touchy side had become more apparent the more you hung out, always touching you in some way; whether it be a hand on your knee under the table while surrounded by friends, a hand in your back pocket while walking, lips brushing the shell of your ear as she whispered. It had even gone so far as a heated make-out on your couch. Ellie had insisted on walking you home after leaving Dina's apartment, it was late and upon arriving at your place the two of you realized they didn't want the night to end.

It was under an orange glow of streetlights that you admired each other for what felt like an eternity. You took notice that the scar in Ellie's right eyebrow that she'd always hide with her bangs was out in the open for the world to see. The freckles that littered her cheeks and nose were more noticeable in your close proximity, and you could just make out a small fleck of brown in Ellie's green eyes. Just as you opened your mouth to invite Ellie inside, hand reaching out to trace a finger along the scar in her eyebrow did the auburn-haired girl quickly surge forward, moulding your lips together in a gentle yet somewhat sloppy kiss.

You were buzzing, alight with so many feelings that all you could do was grab at Ellie with greedy hands and fumble backwards into your apartment. Close was not close enough as Ellie led you blindly to your couch, shoes haphazardly strewn in the entryway, accompanied by long forgotten jackets as hands pulled one another tighter.

This was it, you thought. Solid evidence that the feelings you had for Ellie weren't one sided, every touch, every locked gaze from across a crowded room, and every sweet endearment shared between you meant something.

Ellie's hands were in your hair, tangled in the strands keeping your lips married to each other as you found your place seated in her lap. There was a fire ignited between you two as your hips canted downwards into Ellie for some much needed friction. Ellie gasps into the kiss and you take that as a moment to catch your breath. It's all droopy eyes and kiss-swollen lips as your eyes meet, giggles falling down from both of you at the other's appearance. You're both filled with such giddiness from heavy makeout.

You're playing with the hair at the back of her neck when you smile. "I really like you, Ellie."

It stings to watch her face fall, head slowly reeding back as if to get a better look at you somehow. Too soon is Ellie lifting you off her lap to stand from the couch, placing a fleeting kiss on your cheek and calling out a quick goodnight over her shoulder as she turned and made her way home.

"Ellie? What's wrong?"

She's at the door in the blink of an eye, tugging on her sneakers and grabbing her jacket, "I, uh... just remembered that I needed to help Joel out with his super important, uh, thing. Like really early in the morning. Yeah. And it's pretty late so I should probably head out."

Your shoulders deflate with the disappointment twisting between your ribs. "Oh, okay..."

Ellie's wringing her jacket in both her hands, struggling to maintain eye contact with you before she's turning around and making her exit out your front door. "See you soon, goodnight." She calls out over her shoulder.

That was the last time you spoke to Ellie.

The next time you saw Ellie — over a week later — she was wrapped up in the tattoo covered arms of a girl with short black hair. Later, Dina informed you that the girl with Ellie was her new girlfriend, Cat.

You were left confused and hurt for a long time after seeing Ellie with Cat, not knowing where along the way things between you two may have gone wrong. Ellie had avoided you and if she wasn't going to talk, you would do just the same, never seeking out more of an explanation. The hurt and confusion you initially felt had turned to some form of hatred along the way, every time you saw Ellie and Cat it seemed to take over another part of you. At least that's what you tried convincing yourself, and for some time disguising the feelings of adoration as disgust and hatred did work.

But avoiding each other altogether would be difficult.

Even after Ellie didn't return to school for second year, and sharing a mutual friend in Dina, you could not seem to shake yourself free of Ellie. It felt like wherever you turned Ellie happened to be close by; whether that be walking on campus, or attending a party like tonight. For Dina's sake, when you found yourself within unavoidable close proximity to Ellie, you kept things civil despite the slow boil rising in your blood and the pain that festered in your chest.

Ellie and Cat broke up after almost a year of dating, and her other flings never seemed to work for more than a few weeks, at most a couple months which had only happened one other time. You doubted that Ellie had any idea of the humiliation and grief her rejection had caused you.

It was as if Ellie could feel your gaze boring a hole into the side of her head, because in an instant she was turning to look inside where she found you standing at the kitchen counter. Ellie sent a slight smirk your way, continuing conversation with the people standing around her, never once letting her eyes move away from you. The smell of the whiskey suddenly had your stomach twisting unpleasantly when Ellie shot a wink your way, a wave of nausea rolling through you saw the cup discarded in search for the nearest bathroom.

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