Ep 1: Moving in

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Akari's POV

We drove for so long that I started to get bored.I looked the window to see if the moving trucks are following,i'm quite observant as you might have guessed.I couldn't wait for this, I was so excited for this new chapter of this life, my life wasn't great back at Kyoto...so I really needed this fresh start and be more confident and use my photographic memory to the fullest.It will be nice.

I think i've been sleeping because the sunlight faded away and darkness ascended in the sky."Hey Akari wake up,we're here come on wake up."I woke up holding a book in my hands.I looked around to an amazing tall building .The movers did their job and I must say uncle's job is something hard to describe,being able to afford a lot of nice real estate.He works in a law firm.

I entered in the living room and it looks so beautiful."Do you like this place?,I got it just for you and me.I guess you could say I have knack for great design choices.""It looks great,uncle Milton.I just have one thing to inquire.Is it close to my colledge?".My uncle gave me a soft look and bent down to my level."Akari I'll drive you there on my first day and everyday after that."I gave a pout,I've always been the type to walk everywhere I go since i've been in kindergarden.

"How about you drive me there on my first day and after that I'll walk,I want to learn the wherebouts of San-fansokyo and colledge.I'm a big girl you know." I replied by great confidence followed uncle Milton giving me light smile."I konw but you and Akura were both small,you were both like... so small..so tiny."He proceded to explain while moving his hands and think of a good word or synonym.I smiled,these are the good times i crave."I need to unpack my stuff, and my first day is tommorow so,I need to start ring-throwing early so I can knock out early."

"Ok Akari I have to say you have a lot of disipline,more than most kids I know.You need help unpacking?"uncle asked,I anwered back saying that I can handle it own my own. I went inside my room to see its decorated in my liking already,I guess uncle really pulled the stops for this one.The bed is soft like really soft.I unpacked my things and looked to see a bathroom my very own bathroom.I went in and checked if everything was working and sure enough it was.

After showering,I put on my pink pajamas and wished my uncle goodnight.I hit face first on bed and layed on my back switched off my lights and took sheets covered myself and I tried to sleep  but I couldn't sleep.I was excited but there was something that was bothering.It's very bad.My eyelids feel heavy,so i went asleep. Cold sweat ran through my sweat ran through my forehead.

"You can do this Ella keep breathing,you'll be fine just stay with us!"

"You're a freak,What's with your hair?!"

"Akari I we are not siblings anymore,you are dead to me."

"Akari you're not helping, you have it easy.But it's easy for you ,you put the least effort in everything get amazing results, we are not from the same world?!"

"Little miss perfect"

"You don't know the struggles of being a great student,you always have it easy"

"Akari you're unique,just the way you are.Don't change yourself just to make other's happy.You're genetic is a gift and you should be glad and treasure it ,no matter what."

"Akari you are such a talented girl you can play the harp,violin and the piano.That's so amazing."

"You can remember the law dictionary word by word,Akari"

"Yeah i think so"

"Akura look,look I made the blueprint of our house"

A/n:-I'm sorry that this short I'll make sure to make my chapters longer.It's my first time writing.Anyways bye and stay safe (and all of the dialogues in this are in Akari's dream in case you're wondering)

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