Ep:5 New people,New faces

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Karmi's POV

I was busy working on my little experiment,what it's about is basically me trying to track the movement of the plasma membrane engulfing certain materials into its cell wall.While I was concentrating on my experiment I heard a knock on my door,I stopped what I was doing and went to answer the door."Hey Karmi"it was Hiro."Oh Hiro,hey.Do you need anything?"I asked.

He was peachy even though he was all sad and mopey one moment."Hey you look bright,is Baymax alright"I asked,he nodded.He walked and asked me to follow him."Baymax was up and running,thanks to Akari Watanabe","who?".Then I actually met her the third prodigy."Akari this is Karmi and Karmi this is Akari."Hiro introduced us and she waved at me in a shy way."Hi"

Akari's POV

This is weird like really weird,I'm worried what if she's judgy,I don't know."Hey,welcome to SFIT.I hope genius boy didn't give you a bad impression."Karmi said and to that Hiro scowled.I smiled a bit and let out a sigh of relief."Thanks and no he didn't make a bad impression at all"I repiled.

And for revenge Hiro decided to just bit back,"She's the first genius yet she couldn't build a robot if her life depended on it."I giggled slightly and I could see Karmi didn't like it."Well atleast I do my homework on time!"she snapped back.I looked at them in a confused expression,they reminded me of a Cat and mouse arguing.They stopped making fun of each other when they noticed me  watching them."It's fine,you can continue your little....disagreement"I said.

Hiro shrugged and Karmi raised her hands at defeat and came up to me,"Its great,to meet another girl similar to my age,btw what's your major?"she asked and I replied that it's hydrology.

She started asking about how I got accepted in SFIT.I told her about my photographic memory."Wow you can remember everything in just a small period of time.That's amazing" she complemented and I felt happy for the first time.It's great to meet people who is like me.

"Um Hiro I'll be taking Akari Watanabe,I just need her for something.We'll be right back bye".She took my hand and took me to her office.I was happy that I was fitting in just fine and dainty.

Hiro's POV

As I saw Karmi taking Akari to her lab made me feel all weird inside in a good way,do I like her?no,no,no way I just met Akari I can't just like her already,but my blushing red face says for itself.

"Uhh..can you like move kid"I heard a random college student hollering at me.I mumbled a sorry and went to the robotics lab or the nerd lab because of I need talk about the book I got.I have to find out more about Masqurade Mask and what he did to make cheif Cruz want to you know.

I went inside the lab with Baymax walting near me."Guys,are you here?"."There you are,listen-hey how is Baymax all fixed?"Fred rattled on."I'll explain later,where are the others?"."We're  here working on something"."Put that away,we need to look into Masequrade mask.It's urgent!".I took out the book as everyone including Baymax gathered around.I opened carefully because of it's condition.It's old,dusty,dirty and extremely tattered.We all looked into the journal,trying to find something about this guy."It's said that he has many abilities,one them is blood manipulation"Honey lemon  stated after looking at one the pages,"he also has telekinesis."Gogo said after.From the looks of it this villain is pretty overpowering because of how many abilities he has.Taking down Masequrade mask will be a hella hard to take down but not impossible .

"Hiro look at the time, you will miss the lectures"Gogo alerted me,"but what about this?".I looked at the others and they looked, a look I know too well. I took my backpack and rushed out with Baymax walting beside me. As if luck wasn't by side I bumped into Akari Watanabe. Lovely.

I rubbed head and I also heard Baymax chiming about a light bruise on my knee which wasn't that bad,I looked up to see Akari giving me hand.I held her hand and got up rubbing the dust of my shirt.I gave her a sheepish grin,I knew at this point she's probably annoyed that I keep bumping into her."Are you all right,you should be careful a fall like that can really cause some damage"Akari said as she brushed the dirt of my shoulder.When she was doing it I was blushing.

"Hiro your heartbeat is high and-""Baymax!"I yelled out before Baymax says anything embarassing.After she giggled lightly and gosh I can't be falling for her like this.

"I'm sorry to bump in to you the second time"I apologised,she just smiled"did you need help with anything? you seem kinda confused with something"She asked.I shook my head because I was thinking about the whole thing about Masequrade Mask."We were talking about Masequr-"

"Baymax, haha I...let's go we are busy..with a project"I was tense and I couldn't let her know.

She looked at me confused raising one of her eyebrows. Before she could ask anything else I left with me holding Baymax's hand and ran out. I left her confused, what a great first impression.


"From what we know we know Masquerade mask is an overpowered jerk who only appears at night and attacks civilians, we can find him during night hours," Fred said confidently."We can try to find him during night hours, the last time we did we were unsuccesful" Gogo stated 

While they were discussing about Masquerade mask, a notification popped up on everyone's phone. A new report was brought up by Mr.Bluff shook everyone, "Masquerade mask strikes again, he hurt a few civilians unfortunately nothing too fatal. Chief Cruz made another statement about him saying how criminal-minded he was, now I think this is one of the most vicious criminals that San Fransokyo has ever faced. I wonder how Bh6 is handling this. Anyways that's all for today, this is reporter Bluff signing off."The news update ended leaving the group stunned.

Hiro put his phone and spoke in a tone that the others were unfamiliar with."Guys it's official we are going full night patrol".Fred's eyes lit with enthusiasm "Oh my god, THIS IS OFFICIALLY PHASE 3 OF BIG HERO 6 AND I'M HERE FOR IT!" he yelled out which could've been heard miles away. Everyone was a little worried about the whole ordeal, they were way more worried than they had been worried about any others. But Hiro knew what kept him a superhero,' someone has to help'. "Hiro, are you okay you look anxious, "Honey Lemon asked Hiro nodded.

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