Chapter Two : Cracks In The Walls

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One of the things that the Harrison family was known for, was discipline. From the youngest to the oldest, Isabelle has established a system that everyone must abide to. from the second you leave your bed to the moment you get back to your house, you had a set of rules that you learn and apply once you learn how to say your own name.  

It was 6:30 in the morning, and everyone was up. Kids were dressing up for school, and young adults were dressing up for college. By seven everyone must be around the dining table to have their breakfast, and by 8 everyone will be away for the rest of the day. Completely functioning outside this system where no one is watching. 

" I will be late today Grandma, I have classes till 7. " Paradise said putting on her jacket. "Aiden will drive me back home. He will wait for me " she looked behind her where Aiden was standing waiting for her " Right Aiden?"

" Sure" Aiden confirmed on the lie  understanding that Paradise was not going to be at college till 7.

" so where are we going?" Aiden asks as they got into the car.


" Did you talk with her about the apartment?" Aiden asks as he started driving. 

" Not yet, I am going with Isaac today to see it"

" Whatever happens, you know I support you on this"

"I know " 

" There is something I wanted to talk with you about. I mean, it is just an idea, but I have been thinking about it for a while"


"So, I was thinking that once we are done with this semester, we are finally out. And I thought maybe it would be better to move to Germany after that. "

Paradise was taken back with the sudden announcement. Aiden never had any plans to leave, and even when that suggestion was raised by Isabelle couple of years go, Aiden showed his complete disinterest in such move. 

" My dad has been talking to me about it  for a while. Get some training in our office in Berlin, gain some experience, a change of environment maybe"

Paradise was still silent trying to think of a reply. 

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

" Why are you leaving Aiden?"

"I just told you"

"No, why are you leaving? You didn't like this idea before, why now? "

" I just need a little bit of change that's all. It is becoming more difficult to be at this house , and with you getting married, I wouldn't have anyone there to talk to. Germany is far, and new. " 

" Why don't you pressure them into getting your own place. you don't have to move to the other side of the world for change" 

" I know you are upset Paradise, but I have to do this" He says looking at her and silence fell between them for couple of minutes. 

Paradise felt a drop in her heart, like a new hole was created. Moving to a different house is something, but leaving the country is another thing. she had many thoughts about all the things that could go wrong when he is by himself. Aiden had a weak heart or what they professionally call "cardiac insufficiency". He had a disease that was untreatable, and if the slightest thing went wrong, his body just gives up on him. 

" If I lost him because of you, I will make you pay for it Rose, I will make you pay for it" The memory flashed in front of her, but she shut her eyes in hope that it will just go away. 

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