Chapter 9:Lorraine vs Cole

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"Montgomery-Covington...Montgomery-Covington? MONTGOMERY-COVINGTON?! WHY DOES MY DAUGHTER HAVE BOTH OF OUR LAST NAMES?! I MADE SURE SHE ONLY HAD MINE WHEN SHE WAS BORN! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Lorraine shouted at Colt very angrily, poking him in the chest as she plowed forward, forcing Colt to back away and be corned at the nurse's desk.

The two were in the middle of the waiting room and blocking anyone's access to the nurse's station. The nurses were beginning to worry while many people watched them yell at each other.

"Rainy, I didn't do anything!" Colt insisted, still confused about the Covington attachment while also extremely worried for the woman that he had loved and lost and has cornered him. He was scared out his wits and thankful that there were witnesses and that they were in a hospital.

"Of course, you didn't!" Lorraine exasperatedly said, throwing her hands in the air, her voice hitting a higher octave with a lot of venom, "you never do anything!"

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Colt yells, his own anger holding out. Elizabeth, Reign and Faith were fearful of the two, but they didn't have the courage to break it up. The Carters on the other hand tried their best to ignore the situation, so lessen the humiliation of the situation. However, that just made it even more humiliating for the elder Montgomery and Covington.

"Oh, come on Colt, it's not like you didn't change her name...WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!"

"RAINY! I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT!" Colt bellowed, his voice growing louder to over throw Lorraine's, but that only made her scream louder. Doctors and residents and nurses and few cops were coming out of the woodwork to figure out what was going on.

"YEAH RIGHT! Like you wouldn't want our daughter to have your last name too, so you used your golden power to override my authority!" Lorraine shot back, she was seeing red in anger and loathing.

Colt took a step back, stunned, "I would love to have my name be hers too, but I swear I didn't do anything. I would have asked you if I did. And besides Lori would have to give consent, but she's of legal age to do whatever she wants Lorraine you don't have any authority." Colt had calmed his anger; he was ashamed for Lorraine and her actions as well as his own. This spectacle was another chip in the screw up box.

Then Faith braved the danger and stepped forward before Lorraine could bash Cole's head in the wall. At the motion of Faith's bravery, the family members and friends watched on carefully. Many turned their heads and walked away as it calmed down, but that didn't mean that there was going to be a problem.

Lorraine shut her mouth as Faith held up a hand in her direction.

"Listen, before you two tear each other limb from limb in a very slow and painful fight, let me cut you two off."

Colt watched his mother curiously. Lorraine rolled her eyes and sent Faith a glare.

"The company was in a bit of a situation. So, I asked Lori to be the heir. she agreed and now she a double heiress."


"Lorraine!" Elizabeth scolded, "you are acting childish, listen to what Faith has to say,"

"NO, I will not!" Lorraine hissed as her mother. Elizabeth winced and took a half step closer to Reign.

"Rainy-" Colt ties to speak calmly but it cut off.

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