After a series of events - Chapter 8

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                    A new week has started, it's April 15th, term 2 has started, and the highlight of it is an excursion to Townsville. going back to last week, a series of event that had unfolded from Rusty's car getting vandalized to Bluey and Mackenzie losing their virginity to each other. This Monday Rusty still has not gotten over his car, he plans to fight coco and vandalize her car back.

At school Rusty storms around campus, Jack and Indy following him, He looks around with a pissed off look on his face, "Coco! We're are you, you bitch!" He shouts, he spots her walking down the hallway, she turns around and makes eye contact with him before starting to run and Rusty pursuits after her, "Come back here you FUCKING WHORE!" He shouts.

Coco trips and falls, Rusty, Jack and Indy stand around her, "I want to know why the FUCK, you would do that to me" Rusty says grabbing coco, "I wasn't my idea you dipshit, it was hers" Coco says pointing at Rusty, "Bitch my idea, but not my acts" Indy says, "I should've been your acts you fucking pussy" Coco says spitting on Indy, "Oh you wanna get fucked up" Indy says.

Indy grabs coco and shoves her to the ground and kicks her, "Do that again you cunt, and see what happens" Indy says aggressively while motioning her thumb across her throat. "I'm still gonna get you back for my car, you'll see" Rusty says shoving coco to the ground as she tries to get up, "cunt" he mutters under his breath as he walks away.

Bluey, Honey and Mackenzie, are sitting down at a table talking before the bell rings for class, they notice Jack, Rusty, and Indy approaching, "Hey, where were you guys? You weren't at your usual spot today" Mackenzie says, "Oh we were just Beating up Coco" Jack says, "You finally you revenge I see, huh Rusty?" Bluey asks, "not all of it, she's gonna pay for my car, so I'm gonna do the same to her car" Rusty says

The others give looks, Jack and Honey shrug, and Indy, Bluey, and Mackenzie approve, "Are you gonna do it yourself or do you want us to help you, after all we do all have bad experiences with her" Mackenzie asks, "You guys could come do your share of things just to show her" Rusty replies.

"Why don't we just piss on her car and call it a day?" Jack asks, Indy stands up in front of everyone, "How about we piss, in her car" she says holding up the keys to Cocos sorento, "You stole her keys.." Bluey says shocked, "I think that's awesome" Rusty adds

"Ok so, spray paint, slash tires, piss. That's all right" Rusty asks, the entire group nods, "just remember to drink a lot of water during our last class, coco won't be out for another 2 hours after school ends since she has her practice" Rusty says. "You guys could do piss but not me" Bluey says nodding her head, "Yeah me neither, that's a little gross" Honey says, Indy also nods her head.

The guys exchange looks and decide piss is going over board so they decide to scratch the idea and side with the girls.

After they all brain storm a plan to completely trash and violate Cocos car, they go in with the day, first, third, second, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight.

Bluey decides to get Bingo in on the plan, but has her and Lila guard Mackenzies car Incase coco tries to pull something.

Bingo's POV

Bingo walks around the parking lot with Lila after school, they go and wait by Mackenzies car and stay on high alert, "Bingo, so why are we here by Mackenzie car again?" Lila ask, "Bluey and the others we're gonna trash coco car as revenge of what she did to Rusty's, and they also beat her up this morning, so she might be a little mad" Bingo replies, "That doesn't sound like a little bit"  Lila says.

"Ooh, Lila go watch Jack and honeys car, they are just over there, and hurry, I see coco" Bingo says, Lila sprints over to the two cars and stand between them, coco pulls out spray paint cans and approaches Honey and jacks cars, she stops when she sees Lila, "Move lila" Coco says, "No your not gonna vandalize these cars" Lila says, "Oh yeah, how about I vandalize you with the paint, if you don't want that them move!" Coco shouts

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