Chapter One

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  A dragon without a rider is tragedy.

  A rider without their rider is dead.

  -Article One, Section One

    The Dragon Rider's Codex

    The Dragon Rider's Codex

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It is Conscription Day. The deadliest day of the year if your mother forced you to enter the Rider Quadrant.

6 months ago, my sister and I got a letter from our mother -probably the most attention we ever got from her- telling us, no forcing us into the Riders Quadrant. So here I am taking one last look at my room. After I closes the door, I make my way to Violets room. Before I can reach it, I see Mira storming out of General Sorrengail office.

"No luck in convincing our mother Mira?" I ask when Mira reaches me.

"She is one stubborn bitch that apparently wishes two more of her children dead" Mira says.

"I feel the trust dear sister" I say laughing.

"Oh, shut it Thena. You know I don't mean it like that" she says.

We make our way to Violets room and before I can knock the door is thrown open. Almost destroying my beautiful face if I didn't move out of the way in time.

"Dear Malek, Violet are you so excited to walk to our dead?" I ask. Okey maybe I shouldn't have said that, but Mira and Violet only roll their eyes.

"No dying Athena Sorrengail, and I have something for you two. Put it on while I will reorganize your backpacks" Mira scolds while holding something out to us.

When Violet and I walk back into the room we see Mira throwing almost all of the items in Violet's backpack away.

"Hey! What are you doing? That took me almost the whole night" Violet says while running to Mira, who just threw a few books away "Those are books dad gave to me!"

"Violet, are you willing to die for it, because you can't carry it. The backpack is almost your weight." Mira says while turning to me "Athena, you did a great job and a good call on the medicine kit. How many daggers do you have?'

"I have 6 daggers and twin swords. Violet has 4 daggers" I tell her.

"Wait, Mira what is this clothing you gave us?" Violet asks.

"It is an armour made of Teine's scales" Mira answers.

"How? Teine is huge" Violet says.

"Let's just say I know someone who can make big things smaller and smaller things bigger" Mira tells us while winking.

"How much bigger?" I ask while laughing. Now I think about it I would give my life for good sex. Even with my looks I haven't had any sex in almost 2 years, because you know loyal girlfriend.

"Come sit then I will braid your hair since you wouldn't cut yours and then we have to go. When I flew over it was already crowded" she says while we hear the bell ringing, telling us we have 30 minutes left.

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