Under a Technicolor Sky

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The sound of glass shattering from the whack of her ax gave Colette the adrenaline she needed. She hopped through the window, making sure not to step on the broken glass that littered the floor. She heard what sounded like a click, and she assumed it came from Edgar's room, specifically his door as he locked himself in. That's why she had an ax to begin with.

She dusted off her clothes, and got her hands stained with a red liquid that was splattered on her uniform. She had a few errands to run before visiting her bestest friend, but she made sure she'd have enough time for him.

She walked closer to his room, and began swinging at his door. She knew what she had to do tonight, it was bound to happen eventually. She wasn't here to steal; she was here to kill. She raised her voice to taunt her victim, and let him know who was waiting for him. Perhaps he'd let her in if she asked nicely, but regardless of if she had to break the door down or not, the outcome was the same.

"Edgar.. Please open the door!" Colette exclaimed as she continued hacking at his door. She made sure her voice had a bit of sweetness to it, as though she had good intentions.

"No! Leave me alone!" Edgar cried out in his room. Colette heard another click coming from inside. Surely he didn't have two doors, so it must've been something else.

"Edgar.. I know why you're hiding from me.. It's not out of eccentricity.. But for privacy when you meet ME!"

Finally, the door gave out, and Colette reached through the big hole in the middle, unlocking the bedroom door as she twisted the knob. She gripped the axe tightly, and made eye contact with the emo boy. He was still wearing his work uniform, which he had been too sore to change out of after the brawl that occurred a day ago. His scarf dangled around his neck. She smiled at Edgar with her toothy grin, which was covered with what tasted like metal to her. Colette's attention drifted to Edgar's hands, which was holding a gun. That's where the second click came from. He was reloading it. She got a little worried, but she didn't let that worry show, as that would make her seem weak.

"Edgar.. You're my bestest friend! You've been the only person that has ever cared about me, ever since we first met! You could say I'm a little bit crazy about you.. Maybe even out of my mind! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" Colette stared at her co-worker with constricted pupils as she took a few steps forward, still gripping the ax in her stained hands.

"Y-You could've told me this-" Edgar didn't have much time to speak, as she swung the ax at his chest, specifically where his rib cage was. He doubled down in pain as the blade smacked his ribs, and Colette could hear a crack coming from inside him. He groaned and touched his chest, and lifted his hand to be met with the same red fluid that was present on Colette's clothes. It was blood.

She smiled again as she saw his expression change drastically, his face plastered with more fear than she had ever seen. And that was saying a lot. He quickly covered the gash with his scarf as it soaked the blood as though it were a bandage.

"I love seeing you in suffering, Edgar. I love you." Colette studied Edgar's attempts to cover the wound and laughed maniacally as she readied the ax, ready to chop Edgar's head off, leaving nothing but a stump.


The deed had been done. He was gone. Just like she planned. She attempted to cut his head clean off, but the force of the ax wasn't enough. But it was enough to leave a nasty gash across his neck, which leaked his blood on his carpet. He kneeled on the ground, still staring at her with fear plastered on his eyes, and then the choking started. Oh, the choking. It sounded like a bird's song to her. She's heard it many-a-time, but his was by far the prettiest.

Under a Technicolor Sky(Brawl Stars)Where stories live. Discover now