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today was our first ever world cup match it was against costa rica my whole family and the gaviras tagged along i was really nervous since it was my first time playing in the world cup

Time skip to 27th minute
i had the ball at my feet i dribbled it near the goal like anything then i had passed it to aitana in order to get closer to the goal she passes back and i made a go for it andddd GOALLL

I JUST SCORED MY FIRSR EVER WORLD CUP GOALLLL i went to the side and kissed my badge then celebrated with my teammates

Skip to after the game
i showered and everything we won the game 3-0 no goals were scored after mine i went to where everyone was sitting my mum and came and hugged me and congratulated me and so did everyone else

we went to dinner to celebrate the win i would usually go with the team but we are all so tired i barley wanted to come to this one

i got the chicken alfredo pasta with a mock tail for some reason i felt like someone was staring at me so i looked up and saw gavi staring at me then i looked confused and decided to text him


sofia:can i help you??


sofia:you're literally burning me with your lasers

pablo:nothing anyways bye

sofia:no not bye
tell me what's wrong ??
read 2 mins ago

read 1 min ago

sofia:pablo istg

Pablo has muted this conversation


end of chapter

My rival/pablo gavi Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin