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after we finished celebrating i called aiden since i promised i would

"heyy amor"


"congratulations on your win"

"thank you so muchhh"

"i'm praying for you to win the world cup"

"aww i hope i win to"

"how was celebrating with everyone"

"it was good but everyone was tired"

"yeah i understand that you guys did very good"

"yesss my legs hurt so much tho"

"oh are u okay???"

"i think it's just my knee it should be fine"

"by the way do you wear gold or silver??"




"no reason"

"okayy anyways i'm tired i should probably go to bed"

"noo stay on call with me"

"aiden it's almost 2am here"

"ughh i miss uuu"

"i miss you to love"

"i'll let u sleep now i love you goodnight"

"goodnight love you"

called ended

"i miss u,i love you,i miss u to love like stfu"
-pablo says

"where the fuck did u come from"

"i was here the whole time but you've been so busy with your lover boy u didn't notice me"

"ok well what do you want"

"i just wanted to congratulate you"

"so u do it at 2 in the morning ???

"fine i'm bored"

"well i can't help you go to aurora or something"

"no she's sharing a room with javi so awkward"

"well idk what u want me to do"

"want to go on a walk"

"right now??"


"i'm tired"

"well will u go on a walk with me in the morning to watch the sunset??"

"if i'm awake sure why not"

"great i'll stay in ur room for another three hours by then the sun will start to rise"

"but i'm going to sleep??"

"okay? and"

"and i don't want another boy in my bed"

"i'm gonna be on the couch dumb fuck"

"oh ok well goodnight"

"goodnight hope the bed bugs bite"

"lily wake up wake up wake up"

"let me sleep"

"nope get up go shower brush ur teeth and whatever"

"ugh ok u go shower aswell"

"i already did"


"i didn't sleep well i did for like and hour
and half but then i woke up and showered"

"okay well give me half an hour and i'll be back"

"okay i'm waiting right here"
he says sitting on my bed

i came out all ready and slipped my air forces on

"okay let's go"

we walk to the beach we didn't talk much when we got there there was still a little bit of time till the sun rises so we sat at a bench

"wait did u seriously get no sleep last night ??"
i ask him

"1 hour and 30 minutes"

"that's it???"


"look the sunrise!!"

we were both looking at it and i decided to post a picture of it


caption:sunrise watching with @pablogavi

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caption:sunrise watching with @pablogavi

end of  chapter

A/N hey guys sorry for not posting for almost a whole month i had just been in hospital for a very long time and i'm still not better but i still posted so you guys would stay interested in this book !! 🩷

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