Chapter Two

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There's a misconception that it's kill or be killed in the Riders Quadrant.

Riders, as a whole, aren't out to assassinate other cadets...

unless there's a shortage of dragons that year or a cadet is a liability to their wing.

Then things may get...interesting

-Major Afendra's Guide to the Riders Quadrant

(Unauthorized Edition)

(Unauthorized Edition)

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You will not die.

Those are Xaden's last words to me before I probably die. How ironic.

So uhm yes surprise, surprise. The daughter of a General has been in a relationship with a rebellion kid for 5 years. Well, I could tell you our whole love story, but I will give you the headline.

We met one year before his father was killed. It started with a death glare and after that we came across each other a lot. After 2 months I wanted to destroy his ego and asked him to spar. Of course, I won because I am amazing you know. After that we started to train together. We started to talk, and we got close. He asked me to be his girlfriend in the year of the rebellion (he just wanted me too bad). I have always been very clear that I was on his side, and even after my mother oversaw his father's execution we stayed together. When he went to Basgiath we promised to stay true to each other. When he could send letters, we started to send each other letters. He calls me sunshine or sometimes wise girl. (wink, wink to pjo fans)

But enough about Xaden even tough he is perfect because I am standing one meter away from the parapet. I never said this, but I am nervous as hell. Zihnal please be with me.

"Name?" the rider at the edge asks as his partner holds a cloak over the scroll in a pointless attempt to keep the paper dry.

"Athena Sorrengail" I answer.

"Another Sorrengail?" The rider looks up, his eyebrows rising in surprise.

"Yep." I hate the attention people always pay to my last name and it was already getting old and would only get worse.

I place my hands on either side of the turret and drag my fingertips across the stone. It was still warm from the morning sun but rapidly cooling from the rain, slick but not slippery from moss growth or anything.

Ahead of me, Violet is making her way across, her hands out for balance. She was almost a fourth of the way through, her figure becoming blurrier the farther she walked into the rain. I really, really hope she will make it across.

"I didn't know she had another daughter?" the other rider asks, angling the cloak as another gust of wind blew into us.

"I get that a lot." I force my breathing to calm down, and think of Xaden's eyes. Shit, I should most definitely not do that because I am now even more distracted.

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