Chapter Three

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I want to thank you all for the support and you give me so much motivation. So it thought what a better way to thank you by giving you a chapter! I hope you enjoy

Blue dragons descend from the extraordinary Gormfaileas line.

Known for their formidable size, they are the most ruthless.

-Colonel Kaori's Field Guid to Dragonkind

I eye Jack as he scoffs and stomps off like a child in the crowd of celebrating cadets and riders that were gathered in the sizable courtyard of the citadel

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I eye Jack as he scoffs and stomps off like a child in the crowd of celebrating cadets and riders that were gathered in the sizable courtyard of the citadel.

It is still early, probably around nine, but already I see there aren't as many cadets as there were candidates ahead of me in line. Based on the overwhelming presence of leather, both the second and third years were here as well, taking stock of the new cadets.

I did it. I was alive. I made it.

Now I could still get my kiss. Thank the gods.

I turn to Violet, and she was trembling. She takes a step and would have collapsed on her left leg if I hadn't caught her.

I shift her weight so that it appears as though I was leaning on her. If the other cadets think I was the weak link, it is easier for me to fight them and win than her. I will not make her more of a target.

"I think you made an enemy there," the redhead says, casually shifting the lethal crossbow she wears strapped along her shoulder. She glances at me over the scroll with a shrewd look in her hazel eyes as she looks me up and down. "I'd watch your back with that one if I were you."

I nod but knowing me I am probably only going to make it worse.

The next candidate approaches from the parapet as someone grips my shoulders from behind and spins me, pulling Violet along. My dagger is halfway up again before I realize it is Rhiannon.

"We made it!" She grins, squeezing my shoulders.

"We made it!" I smiled back at her. We made it.

"And what was that what I saw with that guy?" Rhi asks -I am going to call her Rhi because otherwise her name is too long. You know me lazy as hell-

"No need to worry. That dude is such a psychopath, he looks like he eats cookies with a fork" I say while shrugging (No hate to Warner, we love him)

"I can't thank you enough. There were at least three times I would have fallen off if you hadn't helped me." She says to me, " Have you seen the people around here? I swear I just saw a second year with pink streaks in her hair, and one guy has dragon scales tattooed up his entire biceps."

"Speaking of which," I say. "We need to trade boots. There's a bench-"

A tall figure in a pristine black uniform steps out of the crowd, charging toward us, and though Rhiannon manages to dodge, I stumble and smack right into his chest. I could already guess who it was since he didn't catch me or anything and I now lay on the ground. Of course, he did steady Violet.

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