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With a blink of our eye, we were in front of the only living tree in the garden. It's green leaves almost seemed like they were glowing from the sunlight, The master said "Last night, all of you together formed a barrier to protect yourselves from the shadow demons..and you did it because of the magic that's awakening inside of you." I asked "Wait, you didn't do that?" The master of realms shook his head and then kneeled down in front of the tree and touched the ground, he looked at us and said "You have to channel your energy into this tree." Aindrik let out a scoff "Listen Mister...You might have been doing this voodoo tricks since a long time but we don't even know shit about whatever "energy" You're talking about." Master of Realms rolled his eyes and said "If you can just tone down the talking and follow my directions then you can also achieve the "Voodoo shit" ". The Master of Realms looked around and said "Now all of you..hold your hands and close your eyes. Don't think about anything else, just slowly open yourself up to the tree and...well, we'll see." I sighed and grabbed Vinnie's hand and soon all of us formed a circle, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It felt like a whole hour has passed since we were standing in that position, I opened one of my eye and peeked..The Master of Realms was looking at us with a worried expression. I opened my eyes and asked "Why isn't anything happening?" He thought for some seconds and then answered "It looks like your emotions are clouding your..magic." Ishika muttered "Now what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He turned around and stared at..Aindrik and Anaya, they both looked at each other and Aindrik let out a sigh "Fine let's try this again." We closed our eyes again and focused, no sooner a peculiar shock went through my body! it felt like I was channeling something strong...a power! My eyes shot open and the scene in front of me baffled me! All of us were channeling a mystical energy into the tree, it was coming out from our whole body! the glowing energy was being soaked by the tree and the tree was giving out a bright aura ! suddenly! the vines that were covering the tree started to fall off and slowly the moss started clearing out revealing a hole, the energy went back inside our body making us stagger back and almost fall over! the Master of Realms ran towards the tree with a big smile on his face, he put his hand inside the hole and slowly brought out a object covered in red cloth. We went closer to him and looked at the object Aishik asked "and what is that supposed to be?""This..." the master of realms looked at the object with a beaming smile "This is the book written by one of the oldest maha Rishi...Vasistha. This book is extraordinary, holding secrets of the divine energies and beings." He removed the red cloth from the object and revealed a book, the bindings of the books were broken and almost falling down! and the pages were also coming out Abantika side-eyed it "And what is..this supposed to do?" She asked, The Master of Realms said "Well this book has a peculiar power...this book gives us a prophecy...a small piece of information on the future, which will eventually help us in fighting the battle ahead." Master opened the book, the book's pages looked yellowish and every page was blank, the master turned the pages and went to the middle portion of the book..he closed his eyes and chanted something. Ishika whispered "So..either this guy is a con-man and feeding us bull crap or he has some power to read through invisible ink.." I snickered at her comment, after a while of chanting the master slowly brought the book in front of us. We looked at the blank pages, the yellow pages were showing nothing except holes made by bookworms Aindrik huffed in frustration and asked "Damn man, is anything going to show up here or are we just staring at nothing?" no sooner the words left his mouth, with a mystical twinkling sound writings started to appear on the page! I gaped at the page, my eyes not believing what they were seeing...slowly, a writing appeared on the page! it was written in a black ink, almost looking like someone burned and engraved it there Vinnie stuttered "H--How did that--ha--ppen?" The master of realms chuckled a bit "This book is not an ordinary book as I had previously mentioned, the blank pages represents uncertainty and as soon as the book recognizes the energy around it..it slowly reveals their fate."Abantika squinted her eyes and looked at the page "Something's written here..it..it seems like a poem." She looked at it closer and read out

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