Happy for You

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'That should make your dad happy right, I mean all the pity praise and what-not.'

The girl's (apparently Kira, from her school records) eyes are as big as saucers and it takes some time for me to realize that I have never seen her so miserable. I feel like smiling from ear to ear and I do. I did not have sympathy for this girl, I would have laughed if I wasn't mad at that idiot.

Arena, what the hell is her problem?

I had caught the package for goodness' sake, why is she so angry.

Berry had called me silently. You really don't get it do you?

Get what??

That she's mad at you for a specific reason...

Uh, DUH! Obviously!!!

Yeah but do you know what it is??

Yeah, she's just full of bullshit!

And I walked out.

What the hell does that mean. What reason could possibly make her mad about a mission we had tried to achieve for weeks. What the hell?? Maybe she was mad at me for getting her first.

Well, she can put her finger up her ass, cause I don't give a fuck.

I sighed and finally turned to the girl, she is looking at her hand, as tears are spilling down them. She is still silent.

'What do you want?' she whispers, pure hatred in her voice.

I can't get enough.

'What did you say?'

She looks at me, and I raise my eyebrows. To be honest, if eyes could kill, I would be cut into thousands of tiny painful pieces on the floor. But what could she do now, when I could ring her neck without blinking?

It couldn't have gotten better.

'You think this is a joke to you?' her voice sounds hurt, like she was betrayed.

By, me? I couldn't have laughed harder in my head.

Outside though, I said 'Who'd a thunk that id finally have the upper hand against you, huh?'

She sighed in frustration, her hand going through her hair and I blushed.

Wait, what??!! NO!

I looked away. There was NO way I just thought that.

'Did you just blush? Well, isn't that a plot twist.'

I visibly stiffened. This was not from the girl, but from the doctor, his eyes watching us like we were a movie.

He saw my pause. 'Oh, I get it, this is when the girl says that she hates you but you end up having sex anyway. You know all that bad boy, good girl stuff.'

There's no way he just said that.

'Very funny, Tom.' Kira says dryly.

'Thank you.'

My cheeks are still red. I don't understand, just a few seconds ago I was laughing at her fucking demise, and she flicks her head back and I am thinking of her lips crushed against mine...


I clear my throat, hoping that this man, apparently tom and jerry or something, is ready to get the hint and leave.

'Your services are no longer needed Tom...'

'I'd rather prefer he stay.' The girl murmured

I raised an eyebrow. 'I don't really care, but why is that?'

'Probably because your intentions are questionable.' Tom and jerry stated.

'Can you please leave?'

'Oooh.' He gasped. 'I'm sorry I just really want to know what happens.'

As he is saying this though, he stands up from the plastic chair that was discarded here. He starts walking to the door. He doesn't even give us a second look. He just leaves...

Before he leaves though, he says, 'Hey, be careful with your dad. He's quite happy with you, that's never a good thing, is it?'

He smiles and leaves.

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