Chapter 1 Continuation

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(I tried figuring out a way to add text to speech, but it won't work for me but if you guys know how to please write a comment please I wanna make this enjoyable for everyone to read)

In Silicon City, the lights shine brightly all around in the vicinity. Atop one of the tallest building structures, a mear shadowed figure accompanied by eight more prominent figures, all at a standstill on brightly lit as if the sun had taken the form of a more prominent person. In one swift movement by the bright figure, a scream of the most frightened person could make like a mother losing a child, cutting into darkness for a second. Aki woke up as if the dream was as real as he was breathing heavily, as if he for once needed oxygen or would die, but felt as if he was, if not for a moment. Taking a moment to look around, he was in his room, safe as he was when he had gone to sleep to charge. "Ya good, kid?" A small robot asked just about 2 inches tall, his digital TV screen-like head showing concern with his bright-lit blue eyes. "Yeah. I'm good. Just had a very realistic dream." The human-like robot responds. "Is it another memory blend?" The tiny robot asked curiously. "That's the thing. It felt like it happened, but it didn't take place during the war, and it didn't have dad and Daini there, just figures I didn't recognize and...", the young robot paused for a moment, his hazelnut eyes told he was unsure how to describe who was there. "Kid, what is it?" The tiny robot wanted to know. "I think mom was there.", Aki answered, "What? Do you think or know? Why was she there?" The tiny robot asked frantically. "She was there, but... she was afraid. I've seen her scared before, but not the way she was in my dream. She looked more than terrified.", he answered, "Yikes, what made her scared in your dream?", "I dunno, but I didn't like it for sure."
"Hey, Mega Mini, Aki, we gotta go." A girl with short purple hair in a bob-cut, wearing a stylized Z T-shirt, walks in, opening the door. "We gotta get there early for the meeting with the Good Guild.", she adds. "I almost forgot about that. What's the meeting for again?", Aki asks. "I think it's about the recent heists going on.", she answers. "Oh yeah. Oh, Suna, I also heard we're getting a new member on the team.", Aki added. "Oh yeah. Fire Man told me. I wonder what they'll be like.", Suna wonders. "Me too! I'm so excited. It's been a while since anyone new has joined." Aki said enthusiastically. "Well, hurry up and get ready then. I'm all set for today's meeting." Suna states, walking out of the robot's room. "Ok." With that, Aki hurriedly prepares and puts on his iconic blue armor. "Hey, after the meeting, we should get your systems checked along with your memory.", the tiny robot suggested in Aki's head. "Good idea." Moments later, they arrive at the Good Guild office and are seated at the table where the meeting is set to take place.
"Alright, is everyone here today?" Fire Man asks the group sitting in the room, accompanied by a new robot with tanned-looking synthetic skin, purple tear-like stripes on each side of his face, and silver hair. "Yes. I accounted for everyone here." Ice Man said happily as per his usual mood. "Ok, perfect. Thanks, Ice Man. Now, first things first, we have a new member joining us starting now. He will stand and introduce himself." Fire Man says, sitting in his chair. The silver-haired robot stands, "Thank you for the announcement, Fire Man. Hello everybody, my name is Bass. I've heard and seen how well this team works together, and I am honored to join. I also understand from what I can gather that Mega Man and Zero assembled this group two months after Skull Man attempted to start a war. I want to thank Zero and Mega Man for doing so so I may be able to join you to help maintain the pleas in our city. I understand you may know I'm not from Japan, but since coming here, I have felt more at home here and anywhere else, along with you already.
I look forward to working with you all.", Bass sits down shortly after finishing his introduction. Mega Man stands up shortly after, "Thank you for joining us. I'm glad you feel more at home here in your new home.", he sits back in his seat. "Ok, now that introductions are finalized, we can move on to the recent events of robberies that have occurred. The first one was early this month was at the docs, about ten counts of shipment containers full of science experiments and materials." Fire Man explains, looking at holographic documents in the middle of the table. "Damn that early? We just had to deal with a flight shipment late last month, and we're still investigating.", Zero says in surprise. "More than likely, it was a 'kill two birds with one stone situation.' They distracted us with the flight shipments they stole, and another heist will likely occur soon.", Fire Man explained.
"We need a different strategy.", Wave Man suggests. "We didn't exactly have a strategy for dealing with this when it began.", Ice Man says. "This has been happening for a year already. We should have a strategy by now." Wood Man says. "When is the next shipment?", Mega Man asks. "We already tried that. It went south so fast." Fire Man argues, flames glowing brightly from the top of his head. "Technically, we got coughs where our hiding spot was.", Zero explains. "I didn't mean to. Something fell and scared me.", Ice Man explained with guilt. "No one is blaming you, Ice Man. We need to be more prepared this time. And it didn't help you got nervous, but you know what to do now.", Mega Man explained, trying to make Ice Man feel better. "Regardless, I don't think we will even receive shipments for a while, at least not the science equipment and materials.", Fire Man says reluctantly. "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "Unfortunately, the suppliers are too afraid to ship anything here now, but there will be one last attempt shipment. The only reason why that one is coming is because the shipment was already being sent here before announcing they won't be shipping any equipment to Silicon City for a while.", Wave Man explains. "Then we should keep an eye on that one and make sure Wily doesn't steal it." Mega Man suggests. "I guess we don't have much choice except to try again. And we have a new team member.", Zero says.
Fire Man turns to Bass, "What do you think, Bass? Are you up for it?", "I think it's a good idea, and I'm good at scouting and observing. And I'm good at combat when needed.", Bass answered. "Great. I'll join Bass for scouting while you guys keep guard of the shipments.", Wood Man suggests. "Alright then.", Mega Man says in agreement, and the others follow soon after in agreement. "Ok, we have a plan. Hopefully, we can pull it off. Meeting adjourned." After the agreement to the plan, Fire Man ended the meeting and left the room with the others to attend to their daily duties. As everyone leaves, Bass gets Mega Man's attention for a conversation. "Mind if I talk to you about something?", Bass asked, not as much concern but with more curiosity. "Sure. What's up?" Mega Man responds, "Great. So I hear you're a dog person or bot, I should say.", Bass says curiously. "Oh yeah, I have a robot dog. His name is Rush. He's the best dog." Mega Mam responds happily. "I respectfully disagree because mine is amazing. He's a robot wolf-dog. His name is Treble.", Bass rebuttals jokingly. "Well, we can agree to disagree.", Mega Man responds, nudging his arm slightly. "Okay. I wonder if they'd get along.", Bass wonders. "I think they would. Rush is pretty friendly. He made friends with a stray cat, and now the cat comes on weekends.", Mega Man answered turning back into his civilian form. "Damn, mine just... how do I say this...?", Bass pauses just as a red armored robot dog about the size of a domesticated house dog and a large purple wolf-like dog walk in to see their owners. The red dog runs to the blue armored robot, happy to see his owner and barking happily.
On the other hand, the wolf-fog robot walks calmly to Bass. "Hey bud, did you make a new friend?", Aki asks, petting his red armored dog. The dog's tail wags and barks happily in response to saying yes. "I'm guessing he's now friends with Treble.", Bass states as his wolf-dog walks to the red-armored dog sniffing each other. "I told you Rush was friendly. C'mon Rush we should get home.", Aki says starting to walk away with Rush. "Well... what about we let them hang out. I have nothing going on for today if you wanna hang." Bass asks. "I guess I don't have much going on today either and Rush doesn't get to hang out with other dogs." Aki said. "Then let's go to a dog park." Bass suggested. "Great idea. Let's go." Aki agrees, Rush and Treble barking happily. While leaving the building Aki informed Zero he would be at the dog park with Treble and Bass, as they entered the dog park Aki and Bass sat on a bench in the area as their dogs barked and played, after a moment of silence between the two Bass started a conversation. "So... do you... have any hobbies?", "I dunno. I like playing video games when I can. Sometimes I draw. What about you?", Aki answered. "Well... I don't do much else, I like playing with Treble and training. What about family?", Bass asked. "I live with my  dad and sister, they're both scientists.", Aki answered. "Do you have a mom?", Bass asked casually. Aki takes a moment and answers, "My mom is dead."

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