Chapter one

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My alarm went off and I was dreading today. I got up and looked at my school outfit hanging on my wardrobe, I was so anxious and nervous. I put my shirt and leggings on then tried to do my purple tie which I was uncapable of doing so I asked my mum to do it for me.

I looked at myself in the mirror hating how I looked but I decided confidence was key. I grabbed my black jumper and my backpack ready for the day. My names Asma, I'm sixteen years old, I'm a British Pakistani and I'm also a Muslim but let's go back to when I was twelve. this is the story of my life. My life before high school isn't that interesting. I lived with my mum and sister and my father wasn't in my life. Why you ask? Who knows.

My mum is your normal mother, she works and looks after me and my sister. She's the best mother I could ask for, she always bought me nice things and treated me when I did good in school and she was always there. My sister was the complete opposite of me. She was the perfect daughter. She always had good grades and was the best in all her classes. She even knew her path of what she wanted to be.

My mum wanted both of me and my sister to be doctors. My sister was happy with that because she wanted to be rich. Me? I agreed at the time because I was young and thought it didn't matter but now as an teen I realise it does. I've had a dream since I was a kid. That I'd own a restaurant and it would be very popular but my mum wasn't a fan so I changed my route to a criminal lawyer and now I'm not sure what I want to do.

I was a very bad kid in primary school. I was always in trouble, messing around and I always ended up in my principles office. My friend situation was kinda Normal. I was friends with most people but mostly the boys I just got along with them more. That was until the last two years of primary school. I was still friends with them but I found my two main best friends. Rosa and Marta. We were very close. I'm still friends with both of them Rosa went to a different high school but we're still in contact and Marta I see everyday because we go to the same school.

Now back to the past day. August fourteenth twenty-nineteen. Today was my first day of high school. I had been to visit the school and I met some people who were going to be in my year but I was still scared. I had some family there so most likely for the first few weeks I would stay with them. My school was twenty minutes away from my house but there was traffic. I stared at the clock watching it go up every minute.

Finally the traffic started moving and before I knew it I was standing outside the school doors. We all got told to go to the assembly hall and I didn't want to sit alone. I had some friends who came up from my old school but when I walked in I found out we were getting separated into form classes. I looked at the sheets of paper on the wall and I found my name on form class 1.9.

As I scanned the list I saw no one I knew from my old school or the people I had met. Then once I reached the bottom I saw someone, it was Adam. He was one of the boys I met before the school year started. I didn't really know that much about him besides he was Bengali and he was also Muslim. I quickly walked up and sat next to him.

"Hi, thank god your in my class I didn't want to be alone." I said sighing, "I know I'm glad we know each other at least." We made some more small talk until we heard the head teacher speaking. He spoke about dress code, the standards for the school, and if we needed help to speak to them. It was quite a boring assembly.

After it was finished row by row the form classes left the hall and we went to our second period class which was English, we did some stuff about punctuation but that's mostly it. For the first two years of high school all of your classes are within your form class, sometimes there can be switches made but most of the time it stays the same. I sat with Adam in all of my classes till lunch. My mum was very strict on me so I didn't have a phone but i knew my cousin was in school so I looked around the cafeteria and I saw her in the line.

I walked over and she let me in beside her. "So how's your classes been." I shrugged, "they've been okay I guess I don't really know." She knew I hated it already but could tell I was enjoying sitting with her. My cousin Saby. She was three years older then me and only had two years left of high school. We both were very close as kids so I was glad I had someone there. I had a few other cousins but I didn't like any of them as much as I did Saby.

We both got pasta and sat down at a table. We talked about our classes and then she took me to the shop outside school even though first years weren't allowed to leave school grounds. We got some fizzy drinks and some chocolate then headed back into school. I had three classes left and I wanted to go home. I had maths, business, and French.

Maths was so boring we did fractions. Business our teacher wasn't even paying attention and french got interesting. There was a boy who walked into our class. I recognised him from the assmebly he was in 1.8 the form in-front of my form. He told the teacher there was no space in his class so he had been moved to mine. Our teacher miss cardle pointed at the seat behind me. He walked over and sat down.

We were ten minutes into class and I heard a voice behind me, "Your Asma right?" I turned around and nodded, "yeah?" I was so confused. "Hi I'm fahad can I borrow a pencil." I looked at his face he had brown eyes, he was brown like me and he had glasses. "Sure specky." I handed him a pencil and laughed. "Thank you, I'll give it back at the end." I nodded and turned back to the teacher. Little did I know Fahad would become a big part in my life in the future.


Hey guys this is the first chapter on my new story and i hope you enjoy it. I'm not sure if I'm going to include a whole lot of stuff in this book or if I'll make other sequels, if you have suggestions let me know x byeeee

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