Chapter two

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French class was finally over. As I started to pack my things away I felt a tap on my shoulder, "here's your pencil back." I took it from his hand and smiled, "thanks." Once I was done packing away my things the bell rang and I let out a sigh of relief.

Over the next few weeks I made some friends, Ally and Ola. Ally was Scottish and Ola was polish they were both in my form class which was good because I was getting more comfortable with everyone.

I did make some other friends like Abi and robin but I was closer to Ally and Ola. Then I met Micia, harima, and Areeja. Micia and harima were twins and Areeja was also in my form class, now I had two different friend groups my Asian friend group and my non-Asian friend group.

I started getting close to my Asian friend group until me and Micia Found our Areeja was speaking about us to her other friends so we decided to leave her and I introduced Micia to Ally and Ola. Then we all became a friend group.

Nothing really interesting happened in first year until march the twenty-third of twenty-twenty. When lockdown was announced. At the time me, my mum and my sister were not in the country, we were in England since we had holidays we went to see our cousins and on that night the prime minister came on live news and announced that we were in lockdown because of covid 19.

Because of covid I missed two years of school but a lot happened during covid. We stayed in England for two months because the borders had been locked off and spent some time with our cousins.

When the borders opened up again we drove home and it stayed the same besides the toilet paper crisis. Yeah you read that right toilet paper crisis, people were buying everything in bulk so everyone had to ration like they did in the war.

TikTok pov's also popped off during lockdown and when I tell you I was obsessed I was I'm not proud of it.

Here's what a normal day in lockdown would look like: wake up at half twelve, have some breakfast and take a shower, check what school meetings I had missed and play games and watch TikTok's instead of doing my school work, eat lunch, watch some tv, eat dinner, read a book, and go to bed then repeat.

So it wasn't very interesting. We did have to return to school at one point so I did go to school for a part of my second year but we had to wear masks and follow arrows to walk around school and keep two desks away from each other but then the second lockdown was called on and we were all back at home.

No one really enjoyed being in school in those conditions anyways. I will say now that I'm older I miss lockdown, the sleeping In and doing nothing. Some people would be concerned on why I like that but What can I say, I'm a home person.

Moving on to third year, the year everything changed. In second year we had a new student, jade and I didn't like her at all. She was boy crazy and spoke about everyone but sadly since her and maja were in our tutor they decided to join our friend group.

Maja already went to Nolly road (our school) but she knew Jade because of their parents. Me and jade didn't get along which I already thought would happen considering I didn't like her until Thursday the eight of march twenty-twenty-one in geography, the day I became friends with jade.

Me and Ally were debating about our favourite movie series and the movies of debate were...
Maze runner and twilight, polar opposite's I know but we enjoyed debating during class especially during geography.

"Personally I like Twilight because it's different, you don't see movies like twilight, the way it's shot and directed. Maze runner has other competition like The Hunger games and Divergent." I said placing my statement forward.

"Indeed but Maze runner isn't like the other dystopian movies it's created a new world of action and adventure." Ally said sighing knowing she wasn't winning this.

"Clearly I'm putting more effort into this debate which concludes the victory has been granted mine." I said smirking, "but..." Ally spoke in defence, "no buts ally continue with the texture of a volcanic rock." She rolled her eyes, "whatever." And started working on her worksheet.

I started to work aswell till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Jade, "yes?" The question she asked was unexpected, "so team Jacob or Edward?" I squinted my eyebrows, "um team Edward." (I was a dumbass back then team Jacob for life.) She squealed like a pig, "Oh my god girl, same we just because besties." I smiled but I still didn't like her.

If only that day didn't happen. If only I had never met jade. None of this would've happened. But I guess everything happens for a reason.

We became friends and all we would talk about it twilight until I finally admitted to liking someone and before you think who did I tell I told no one but I admitted to myself.

So remember Fahad? Yeah I kinda had a crush on him... I know we only had spoken a few times so it was random and I used to find it weird that guys and girls at my age used to date till I liked him.

All the girls knew I liked someone but I never gave them any other reasons or suspicions to push them to find out. Jade was a boy magnet and because we had become close all of her "friends" were apparently my friends which included Fahad.

Almost half way into third year, Jade got her first boyfriend at school, Shawn Kaur. He is an Indian guy who was in our year and randomly one day they both got together. Apparently he
Asked for her snap and she gave it, they started talking and got together.


Hey guuysss how did you enjoy this chapter?? Don't worry there is drama coming sooon like I said previously I didn't want to make it toooo long so I made the first two years high school cut down, if you have suggestions let me know x byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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