Chapter 4

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One year had passed since I had been bought to live at Arlong Park. (Your daughter's name) She just celebrated her 3rd birthday. Using all the ingredients supplied to us, I did my best to make her a cake. The cake looked more like a pancake, being flat from no access to baking powder or soda. But she enjoyed it, that's the only thing that matter. For her gift, I made her a sock puppet from an old worn white sock, on which I drew the eyes and mouth with the black marker pen we had. Sadly by now (Your daughter's name)  would no longer remember a childhood with trees, the shores, playing and interacting with other children.  The door to our room was locked at all times for our safety, since Arlong didn't want anyone but him interacting with us.

Recently while the tot was sleeping, I had dug a small barrow between the wall of our room and Nami's room. I had discovered the sounds of a child crying one night behind our wall. Getting a spoon I slowly dug between our wall which took about 6 months of work. Our secret barrow was hid behind our bed and Nami's desk.  This was the riskiest thing for us to do. Whenever we heard any footsteps down the corridors we returned to our room and hid the hole.  By doing this I could sneak in Nami's room at night and comfort her like she was my own child, I would tell her stories and give any baking I had made.  The girl was only 11 years old and terrified of Arlong. I just wanted him to treat her better, but I never mentioned her to him though. 

Oh now let's get to Arlong: I was still his sl*t at least a couple of times a week. But somehow I craved his affection, it felt so wrong since he and his crew destroyed so many lives. Hey he is hot and charming as hell despite forever referring to me as his lowly sl*t. My wish was maybe I could forgive him and change him then we could all live happily ever after.  Maybe the Cocoyashi  could be freed too.

"One day I will make 100 million berries and buy Cocoyashi" Nami would tell me, hiding her sadness behind a smile. 

"I will help." I reassured, before returning to my room. 

About 10 minutes after returning to my room, Arlong entered the room, coming to get his payment. 

"Hey what's this?" He asked, pointing to the half-eaten flat cake on the small wooden table. 

"(Your daughter's name) turned 3 today, I made her a birthday cake." I responded, not sure what his views were on birthday celebrations. 

"You lowlies are so weird baking a cake because your brat has been alive for 3 years." He declared, picking up the cake and eating it all. 

"Not too bad of a cook too." He commented, before picking you up and taking you to his private room. 

Tonight I got a surprise: Instead of picking you and carrying you back to your room when he was done. He sat on a bar stool at his private bar and gave you a glass of wine. 

"Let's have a drink to celebrate you taking care of that brat for years" He smirked. 

I took a sip of the wine, hoping he hadn't spiked or poisoned the wine. Nothing happened, he was being genuine for once. 

"Thankyou, this means a lot" I responded, sipping the wine. 

"It better, since you lowly scum are nothing but inferior to us fishmen" He growled. 

"I'm very grateful that you provide a place for me and my daughter and our food." You said, praising him.

"If you weren't my sl*t you would both be dead by now." He growled, barely ever being nice to me. 

"I'm happy to supply that service to you. " I reply, smiling at him. 

He then poured me another glass of wine.

"Drink up, I've heard that lowlies have a low alcohol tolerance I want to see it myself" He chuckled, smirking. 

I pick up the glass and gulp it down, feeling lightheaded already. 

"Here drink the whole bottle." He declared, passing me the bottle. 

I took the bottle and gulped it down to please him. Now I felt lightheaded and started to stagger. 

"Arlong I love you!" I declared, hugging his leg. 

"Like I thought, my sl*t has developed feeling for me. " He said, smirking.

"Do you love me too? "I asked, squealing.

"I could never love a human!" He growled. 

"But what if I wasn't a human !" I screamed. 

"What the hell do you mean you're not a human." He asked, looking down at Me.

"Throw me in some water. " I demanded. 

Suddenly he picked me up and carried me out to the pool. 

"This better be worth it lowly" He said, gritting his teeth and threw me in the pool. 

Suddenly my legs turned into a fish tail, I had a secret all along I was a mermaid, a person of the ocean. 

"Holy shit you're a mermaid" Arlong gasped, jumping in the water. 

He then caught me and began to kiss me. 

Unforgivable Love  Arlong  X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon