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Chapter 2

R e a l i t y

Bab dua

R e a l i t i



*huge sigh*

After all these classes, my mind has escaped its reality. Sometimes even during the fun times of my life, I can't smile. It's like I am in my own reality, knowing that I could get lost in this. 

This, feels strange yet weird to understand. 

Maybe I'm just lonely. 

Suddenly I feel a small yet insignificant touch on my shoulder. I turned to see June, her hand on my shoulder as a couple of girls talked behind me. 

"Why so sour Amaya? Is there anything bothering you right now?" A girl named Caitlyn asked sweetly, pretending to act very kind and sweet around me. 

"Nothing's bothering me now, I'm just normal." I said, walking faster so they won't catch up. 

They managed to catch up, and then I started walking at my normal pace on my way to the canteen. The girls came and brushed my hair, making it tangled so they could grab a comb and brush it. 

"Dude, stop playing with my hair." I said sternly. 

"It's not my fault your hair is two toned and very silky, I love how black and brown suits your hair..." Caitlyn said sweetly. 

Feels like I'm in a mean girls movie...

"So? It's not my fault that your parents didn't give you these genes. How unlucky..." I smirked, leaving my bag near my table and getting food for lunch. The long queue made me starve. Everyone is getting the good food and what about me? 

As suspected, I got plain white rice, chicken and raw carrots. 

Gross, my father cooks better than you lunch ladies.

(After Lunch)


It was class time. During Malay language classes, I was the one who had high scores, since I came all the way from Pahang. The locals had a weird, thick accent, but I was able to communicate directly with them. 

But usually in these classes we would do reading and writing, but today we had to do a presentation. 

On where we came from.

I was to start first. I began my presentation with...

"Assalamualaikum everyone! I'm Noor Amaya Ibrahim and I came all the way from Kuantan, Pahang."  I said, all giddy and excited but when no-one applauded, My smile turned into a frown, and I felt a wave of emotions coming over me. 

I should've lied that I came from the United States, for my grandpa was from there...

Why won't people applaud for me? Do I look like a complete moron?

All of these made me tear up a little, hopefully no-one would notice me breaking down mentally in class. 

"Amaya," A boy called out, his hand on my head. "Your presentation was beautiful." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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