A Beautiful Gift (Lily Hollister, aka Queen Cat)

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She was returning home, desperate to arrive at her beloved city. She had been out for quite some time now, trying to make her way into the life her father has in the social life. She had left all of her past behind, dreading turning into Menace once more. Which is why she tries her best to stay away from Oscorp or any of its members. She still did not trust the founders nor the family. Even if what she had heard was even remotely the truth. But she was not returning home because of that, it was because the one that had conquered her was in the hospital with seemingly no expectation of waking up.

She walked with a purpose, her steps showing the desperation she had as she began to enter the hospital. She could see everything around her, like people talking and hoping for the best. But she didn't have her focus at that time. She even knew she somehow talked her way into getting access into her lover's room in the hospital, yet she barely remembers talking with the nurse in charge. But she was more than happy to be closer to him, even if she had to leave everything behind just to be there with him.

"This is his room, Miss Hollister" Lily Hollister, secretly having the alias as the Queen Cat, smiled at the nurse that had helped her make her way into the room. She was afraid of what she would see, afraid to not see his beautiful hazel eyes that only kept captivating her even further. She had returned only for him, her heart not being able to handle being apart from him any longer. She knew that she had told him it would be a short trip, but her father had another agenda in mind. Which was why it took so long to finally be at his side.

"Thank you..." She whispered, her hand gently pulling the door that led to his room. Her blonde hair swayed gently, with parts of it being over her left shoulder. She walked slowly, not wanting to make any sound in case he was awake. A hopeful wish that did not come to fruition, her eyes catching the intubated Peter Parker with a monitor right next to him. She immediately felt her eyes shed tears, walking towards him.

She could see his chest moving slowly, and it only made her choke back a few sobs that wanted to escape from her lips. Don't get her wrong, she was very happy to see him after so long. She wanted to hug him, kiss him, and generally be there for him. But she couldn't, not with his current state at this moment. She gently caressed his cheek, her darker shade of hazel eyes giving a loving stare at the male in bed. It was unbearable, and she could even say for sure that her heart ached every few seconds she kept on staring at him suffering through this.

"My love... I'm back..." She whispered, sitting on the chair that was right next to the medical bed since her knees were short into failing her. It hurt seeing him like this, it hurt to see that she could do nothing but sit and watch the man who had given her something she had been looking for quite some time. She had thought that she had gained that with Harold Osborn when the two of them were together, but she then realized that it was just a phase of wanting to be near people with money. It was something she learned to ignore and be able to seek what she truly wanted. "I'm sorry for not being here..."

She half expected him to answer, half expected him to wake up in a matter of seconds and proclaim to him that everything was a prank so she could clobber him on the back of the head. But there he stayed, his eyes closed and with his chest moving at the same slow pace as before. She kept looking at him, her eyes still having the loving gaze that she had given him earlier. She really wanted to kiss him, her lips approaching his forehead since his mouth was covered by the oxygen mask. She made sure to not leave any mark, her thumb gently brushing away the lip mark that she left.

"I need you to come back to me..." She whispered again, slightly fearful of what her father would try to do. She knew perfectly well that her father was an attention seeker, the whole reason as to why he was the Director of District Attorney. He seeked attention and getting her to marry someone rich would definitely put him in the spotlight. But she didn't want anyone else, her heart could now only yearn for the comatose Peter Parker. She then placed her hand over her stomach, as even more tears began to escape from her eyes. "We need you back, my love..."

She hardly looked pregnant, her body looking as beautiful as ever. But it had been a few weeks since the last time she was supposed to have her period. It made her worried, made her panic to unbelievable levels. So, when she was able to check herself; she found out that she was pregnant. And she was very certain that she had not laid with anyone during her trip, which only made Peter the sole candidate to be the father of her child. Not even her father knew and it would probably stay like that until she could no longer hide it.

She was already thinking of his reaction towards this news. She half expected him to look like a deer caught in action, frozen for a couple of seconds, before he demonstrated his excitement by crying his eyes out. She also expected him to grab her from under her shoulders and raise her a bit as he twirled her around, both of them laughing in glee at the news. But she knew that for now, that would only remain in her imagination. A dream that she was very hopeful that it would come true. He had given her the chance to prove that she was more than the villain Oscorp had created and she was more than thankful for that chance. It was now her time to give him the family he had wanted for so long, a gift that he knew would be ecstatic to receive.

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