chapter 25

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*some sexual scenes*



I see the annoyance in her eyes and I love it. God, the way this woman is making me fall for her like at the fucking speed of light.

"Great then." Maya claps her hands and Amara sits on the couch.

"Well great then, I would-" Amara tries to say something but her phone pings. She pulls it out of her pocket and checks it, and instantly a frown overcomes her face.

"Something came up at work. Give me a couple of minutes ill troubleshoot these fuckers." she says in annoyance and got to her phone.

Maya, on the other hand, grips my wrist and pulls me to her room. She shuts the door behind us and looks at me with fury in her eyes.

"You wanna play games? I'll play games," she says and pushes me towards the wall and kisses me harshly and roughly before I can speak. A way she's never kissed me before.

She puts her hand on my chest and slides it beneath my sweater and lets her hand lay flat on my abs and I may have even whimpered under her touch. Fuck, I wish she could touch me all day.

She nips on my lower lip and tightens her grip on my hair, her nails scratching against my scalp. She pulls apart and studies my face, "If you wanted me to kiss you, you could've just asked." I say, my voice husky and desperate for more of her taste.

"You were going to leave without even saying a proper goodbye, how could you?" she says, her voice breathless and sexy. Just the way I like it, fucking adorable.

"I would never leave you," i say cheekily, "I'd leave a note or something' i add.

"Don't do shit like that, even if you're doing it to be petty," she says, her eyes filled with an unfamiliar emotion and I try to think of the best answer to reassure her, but her gaze drops to my lips and she again crashes her lips on mine, and I kiss her back instantly.

Controlling. Angry. Possessive.

This time, her hand moves even lower, towards my lower body and she doesn't stop. Just like the way she did, when we kissed for the first time. I whimper under her touch again and she slides her tongue and tangles it with hers.

God, this woman.

I pull apart when her hand is exceptionally close to my cock, "You sure you wanna do this with your best friend sitting right outside your room?"  I ask and she looks into my eyes with a different expression this time. And if movies were to describe it, love. That's what I see in them, not lust, but love.

Fuck. I'm screwed.

She pulls her hands up and cups my cheek, "Well, never said I wasn't sure about whether I wanted to do what you are referring to my love, but now that you say it, yeah I do think it will be weird when you will be moaning my name so goddamn loudly as my best friend sits in the other room, so" she says and I burst out laughing, and she joins in my laughter too.

"But I'm sure we can postpone this, right sweetheart?" I ask her, playfulness mixed with actual curiosity, to which she responds, "Hmm, now that is a good question," I again laugh heartily because this used to be an inside joke for us back in school.

"Well baby, I do think there is an even better answer to my good question right?" I say and she presses her lips to my neck, right below my ear. "Consider that an answer or, you even better," she says and slides her hand down my chest again right on my cock, and I whimper.

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