|Say That You Love Me~|

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Dust POV
I sat on the weirdly elegant couch in Nightmares mansion silently watching as Killer and Cross play 'Super Smash Bros Ultimate' that they swear is fun...it's not in my opinion

"Dust." A voice called out

Turning my head I saw Nightmare (My boss) standing in the doorway "You are required in my office NOW." He said sternly.

Groaning I sat up and started walking to his office, I knew what this was about...I THOUGHT I knew what this was about... Standing at attention facing the boss he started to speak.

"It was come to my attention that the stars have.....Fallen to say the least and with that I need you to scout out Underswap, I'm going to assign the others to different au's but you're going to be at Underswap, Understood."

I nodded and warped into Underswap not expecting to much interesting shit....boy was I in for a kick in the ass

Yan!Berry / Blue POV
EEK! MY DUSTY WAS IN MY AU! I know it's probably from Nightmare but still it's the thought that counts! But unfortunately he warped in at the same time I just finished stabbing Muffet... I quickly hid behind the counter as my Dusty walked around the Dusty (get it?) Cafè silently praying for him to find me even though I know that's not a good idea, I mean I just murdered someone basically in front of him! Ugh!

Secretly peaking from behind the counter I watched as my Dusty was on the phone, presumably talking to one of his friends or his boss. Either way I got to see my Dusty up close! Oh how much I wanted to just keep him all to myself, make him feel nice and safe, secure, and loved. Sure he WAS a mass murderer but aren't we all murders, some of us just haven't snapped like I have!(or like the stars have)

Giggling softly I kept out of Muffet and skipped a long the pathway, pulling out my phone I texted Shattered and Ink





Soulless Bitch: congrats?

Henti Octopus: why is he in your au?

That One Berry: idk prob for NM or whatever but HE WAS IN MY AU!!!!

Henti Octopus: Jesus Christ, get back to base we need to discus this, my brothers getting to suspicions

Soulless Bitch: KK omw

That One Berry: Oki Doki!


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