Chapter 18 - You Better Not Underestimate Us

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Josh and Jambo's town was situated on a flat, open field which itself was nestled within a spruce forest. The newly-rebuilt house that they lived in, itself made from the spruce wood of the surrounding forest, stood out from the greens of the grass. Wooden paths, similar to those at Spawn, spewed across the fields, connecting up multiple builds. A tall clock tower stood in what was assumed to be the centre of the town. Behind it, a brand new food restaurant, McDonalds, had just finished being constructed. It was Josh and Jambo's attempt to usurp Greggs as the primary food business in the area.

The singing birds suddenly stopped, before flying away, causing the branches they had been sitting upon to bounce back as their loads dissipated into the surroundings. The wind swept through the trees, the whistling sound only being usurped by the sounds of determined, angry footsteps.

Blake walked sternly through the forest and into the town, followed by Ben and Farkie closely behind. Blake took no time to check for danger, whilst Ben and Farkie at least looked around briefly to check if Josh and Jambo were about. Blake found his target, the McDonalds hiding behind the tower. His angry footsteps made their way, echoing along the wooden path until he stood outside.

"The TNT... please," he said, glaring at the exterior of the building as Ben and Farkie got out the explosives. Blake watched as the TNT was placed around the building, his face still adorned with the scowl of revenge.

After all the TNT was placed, Ben and Farkie returned to standing with Blake who took a moment to examine the TNT before setting it off, causing the explosives to detonate one-by-one until McDonalds was a cloud of smoke and debris in front of them.

Finally, a tiny smirk appeared on Blake's face. Revenge is sweet.

"What the fuck!" a voice rang out through the town.

Ben, Farkie and Blake turned around to see Josh and Jambo, weapons in hand, ready to fight.

"Are you here to kill us?" Jambo asked.

"I would have done that already," Ben responded, "We need to talk."

Josh and Jambo entered into the dark room in the side of a mesa cliff face to the west of Spawn. It was small, with a table that could only sit two and it was only lit by a single lantern, hanging from the room's low ceiling. Ben used his hand to signal that Josh should take a seat. Jambo stood behind him whilst Ben sat on the opposite side of the table. Behind him stood Blake and Farkie, weapons concealed behind them, just in case.

"What do you want from me?" Josh asked, curious to know Ben's intentions.

"Well... I want you gone," Ben responded.

"Then why haven't you killed me already?" Josh questioned.

"I did..." Ben continued, "It clearly hasn't shut you up."

"Oh..." Joshie said, with a laugh in his voice before sarcastically saying "I hope I didn't ruin your business."

"Business?" Ben said, beginning to laugh as Josh's smile faded, "You are under the impression that the Brigade is a business, working alongside Greggs. No. The Brigade is an army, we serve the interest of order and justice which happens to be what you are infringing upon."

"Order and justice at what cost?" Jambo shouted, "You want complete control over people, to reduce their rights and make them slaves to your system!"

"And where did that get us?" Blake said, "Greggs has been destroyed because of this chaos, because of YOU."

"I had no idea that there was TNT in Greggs!" Jambo argued in return, "I just happened to trip it by chance."

"Chance?" Ben said, laughing, pulling out a silver coin and laying it on the desk. Josh looked down at it and how the small amount of light from the lantern reflected off it.

"I think we both want to solve this in our own ways," Ben told Josh, "So I'll give you the chance to decide. Heads, you choose how we solve this. Tails, I will choose how we solve this. Does that sound good to you?"

Josh sat for a moment to think. He could end this if the odds were in his favour. He looked at Jambo, who shook his head in disagreement.

"Let's do it," Josh said.

"What-" Jambo spoke out, not expecting that response, "You're leaving our fate up to chance?"

"What other option do we have?" Josh responded as Ben grabbed the coin in his hand before flipping it.

It landed back on the table with a metallic clank. Everyone in the room peered over to see what the result was. Some were shocked, others were pleased and some even smiled.

The smile that adorned Ben's face summed up the result before Josh could even see the coin.


"Shit," Jambo said, realising his worst fears had come true.

"You have a week," Ben responded, "You may prepare, get allies, anything. I do not care. We are going to war, the Brigade and Greggs will fight you wherever we see fit at that point in time. We are going to humiliate you Josh because killing you does not satisfy my need for revenge anymore."

"Oh it's on," Josh responded, thinking about who would join him in his war. Perhaps he could even recruit Loppezz, the strongest fighter he knew other than T5, who obviously wouldn't be on his side. Josh and Jambo stood up to leave as Ben interrupted him.

"I'll tell you now Josh," Ben warned, "You better not underestimate us."

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