2 - 11. Crisis Mode

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Holly was trying very hard not to let their dad see that they were experiencing a minor personal crisis

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Holly was trying very hard not to let their dad see that they were experiencing a minor personal crisis.

This afternoon, Eddie would be coming over to talk about the logistics of their fake breakup. Or, well, that had been the plan. Now she'd said she needed to tell them something first, only she hadn't said what that thing was. Holly's speculation had got a little out of control.

They'd ordered a mimosa. It helped.

"Nobody does steak and eggs like this place," Malcolm said with satisfaction when the server down his plate. The Axe and Yeti was his favourite brunch spot, which was its own kind of problem. Holly couldn't be in the pub anymore without thinking about that night they'd danced here with Eddie.

As he dug into his meal, he said, "Well, guess what? I took your advice."

"My advice about what?" Holly reached for their glass.

"Your advice about my love life. I think you're right. It's been a long time since your mum left. I do need to start putting myself out there."

"Yeah?" Holly brightened, and, well, shit. Maybe they understood a little why Juniper had been so keen to matchmake for them. The idea of their dad finding love again was really cute. "What's your plan? Will you try one of those singles events at the Rotary Club?"

"Speed dating gives me the heebie-jeebies. Thought I'd do the modern thing. I downloaded one of those dating apps, and I kinda hoped you might help me set up a profile. June always said you were good at that."

Holly grinned. "June only thought I was good at it because she's so terrible. Besides, she was trying to pick up queer girls. I don't think I know what people in your demographic are looking for."

"You don't think you know what older ladies like?"

"I don't know what straight people like."

Chuckling, he raised his glass in a salute. "I walked right into that one. So you're gonna make your dad figure this out by himself?"

They considered. "Why don't you ask a friend?"

"My buddies are all happily married or unhappily divorced. I wouldn't trust their dating advice as far as I can throw them, and that isn't as far as it used to be, mind."

They laughed. "Okay. What about Carla's mom? Gia's your age, and she dates a lot. I bet she'll have great advice."

His eyebrows crinkled. "Oh, she won't want to help me."

"Why not?"

"She was your mum's friend, not mine."

Holly watched bubbles rise through their drink. "Yeah, well. Not after Mum showed her true colours and Gia found out what her friend really thought about her trans daughter."

"We all had some rude awakenings then, didn't we." Malcolm took the small skewer off the top of his caesar and pulled the pepperoni pieces off one by one to pop them in his mouth. "You really think she'd want to help? She's so... classy. Too good for dating apps."

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