Rehan Frontiers Become A Pups

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It's a good day in real life when Rehan just finish a story he Write

Rehan: I done!, Phew What a story i made, Oh yeah what time Is it (look at her watch and it's say 9:00am) Wanjir! I forget to meet someone!

Rehan Prepare And Run to outside

Rehan Run into his friends house when suddenly he saw a something in the forest but rehan ignore it

After some time rehan back into his house

Rehan: Time to get sleep

Scene Change

Rehan Wake up in the forest

Rehan: Oh my god, my head hurt.... Where I'm? (Look a her hand) *Surprised* Whoa!? A Paw?! Wait the Minute?!

Rehan go to nearby river and look at his reflection on the water was a husky

Rehan: I'm become a pup?!, Don't Tell me...

Rehan runs out of the forest

In front him was a adventure bay

Rehan: I was right!, I'm in the paw patrol world!

Rehan Run towards Adventure Bay

Looking Around Adventure Bay

Rehan: Whoa!, so this what it's look like in person *Excited* Maybe I will see paw patrol in action!

Rehan go to pup park

Rehan: Whoa!

Katie: Huh?, I never see that pup before

Scene Change

Rehan: *stomach growl* oh no how do i find food?, there's no way i'm stealing food! (Looking at the trash bin) *gulp* well I guess I have to

Rehan goes into the trash can to look for food

Rehan: Found it! (Eating leftovers) *disgusted* well at least I can survive, I wonder If I can back into my world.

At The beach

A glowing thing take rehan attention

Rehan: Wait Is that.... (Found a Meteor) It is!

Rehan touch it and Meteor crack revealing a crystal then the crystal attach to Rehan pup tag (which is blank)

Rehan: Whoa! (Look at his paw) my paw is glowing!, well of course it's Glowing. I wonder what my super power?

Rehan try everything but nothing happen

Rehan: Come on... *Sigh* I hope I have a kamen rider power

Suddenly a screen appear in front of him and there's was every kamen rider driver belt that ever exist

Rehan: I knew it! *Excited* My Dream is come true!

Rehan close the screen

Rehan Well good to know then!

Without Rehan knowing harold spying on him

Harold: That pups got the crystal!, but I never see that pups before, whatever I gonna steal it!

Harold run into Rehan and steal it

Harold: So long pup!

Rehan: Hey it's my crystal!, give it back!

Rehan can't catch up to him because he was run off of energy

Paw Patrol Unofficial Story By Rehan FrontiersWhere stories live. Discover now