Chapter 3

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So when you were handcuffed in the office, he was the main officer of that team that handcuffed you guys and he wantedly got handcuffed in front of you guys, so that you guys should feel that he is ik your team, and when they put on black cloth on your faces, he stood up and removed hishandcuffs and quietly went outside,and if you want to know how I know all these things, Whoever handcuffed you guys is one of my men.".Viqar was traumatised and shocked, then he told "Ohk so Sameed was mole, I am really dumb why I couldn't see this coming.....,but I am sure he is not Sameer, but I am sure Sameer is in that team, so I guess Sameer is Jaun." Alam asked, "How are you so sure?"Viqar replied, Look, I am sure that Sameed is not Sameer, and then Sid, I don't think she is."Finally, it is Arman and Jaun, and funnily enough, Arman was my student a few years ago, so the only person left who is suspicious is Jaun." Alam said, "Viqar, sometimes I feel that you are more lucky than smart, isn't it?" Then, from back, Sofia tells"Hey you know Sameed and sameer sound so similar, so I guess he is the imposter because you know the only difference between both of them is r (starts laughing). Viqar smiled and went into deep thought, and after a few seconds, he replied, "Hey, Alam, and Sofia, wanna join my team? We will escape from this prison and take revenge from Sameer." Alam started laughing and said, " Viqar Viqar Viqar, you are just too brave, bro, I like you, but Naah, will not join your team, come on I will not leave  this prison, It is like heaven for me, and if you are talking about revenge, I don'tI have no grudge against him, but on the other hand, I am happy that he sends my enemy here, like I would die in regret if I did not have humiliated you." And Sofia replied that"Hey, and you think that I am here because I got caught, no I wanted to come here to escape the world, here I can do whatever I want but in world, they hate me, my own crew betrayed me, tried to kill me, and why would I join your team again.., you couldn't even save me earlier, here is my world, get fucked every other day by Alam and enjoys my life as a queen, so I will not, I love this place and will die here". Viqar replied "listen Sofia I was sorry and I am sorry, I tried my best to save you but couldn't, yea I know I am irresponsible and a bad person but please just trust me this one time, and as much as I remember the Sofia I use to know was to do everything I told her and I don't remember her (increasing his voice) having sex with anyone and telling that this is life......, what do you think ? Getting fucked by someone makes your worth ?" Sofia replied "what do you mean you don't remember?? The Sofia you use to know died in that building, this is a new Sofia with new ideology and fuck I don't care what you say..... YEA YEA I ENJOY HAVING SEX AND THAT IS MY LIFE, who are you to say me what is my life. Viqar nodded him head in disappointment and told "No need of you". Alam on his chair was getting a little angry and he even tightened his fist in a little angry. Then Viqar told "and you Alam, I saw you as a lion. I thought that lion didn't like to be in a zoo even if it gets free food, the lion hates to live there because he wants freedom, and you are like that scared cat who.........".Alam stood up and gave a choke slam to Viqar, and by looking into his eye with full anger, he says, "Hey Viqar, know your limit. What do you think you can come in my territory and can say anything to me." Viqar laughed while getting choked and said, "The truth is always bitter, and I would never trust a guy whose territory is a jail." Alam choked him with more power till Viqar started getting suffocated and then he lifted Viqar and while choking and threw him on a wall and the holds his collar and lifts him and again punched Viqar, Viqar started bleeding from nose and mouth, and then Alam stood up and commanded his men to go and chain Viqar again like earlier. Later on, Sofia went to Viqar, lays down on his lap and says,"ooh viqaaarrrr sorrry for the words I told you earlier, but you know I love this place and can't live anywhere, sorry please I didn't mean to offend you and By the way, what were you planning, how would you escape and what after that?" Viqar kept quiet, she again said "heeeeyyyy sorrrryy na I didn't want to say that, it happened by mistake....., wait I know what can make you happy". Then she got up and removes her top and sat on his lap and wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed Viqar, but before she could do anything, Viqar pushed her and she fell and told her, "You slut, don't ever try to touch me, you impure fucking girl, and what do you think that I like you, fuck noo, like fuck noo, I hate you soooo much like I hate you with every cell of my body, you slut,only knows how to have sex how to seduce, you are a women and still selling your body like anything, Shame on you, you are slut, your mother would also have been slut." She got up, and she shouted, "Hey, how dare you to Speak like that about my mother, I was listening to you because you was talking about me, don't you dare to talk about my family, and..... and you, you love to tell the truth right ??? So listen I may be slut but you are worst, you are a human who can't even love anyone, anyone who loved you or liked you, you always hurt them, rumaisa loved you but you always, always hurt her, I loved you and you always hurts me, you can't even protect a single human, you left rumaisa to die, you couldn't even save me, if you would have come on time to save me I would be in the team, I would be a normal girl who would love a normal life with a loving husband, you are telling me slut ??? I am like this because of you, after I survived I was hidden in the darkness of the streets, I had to work (starts crying) I had to work as a prostitute for food, before I joined the team I was all broken, no self respect was left, just for some money we had to do sooo much gross stuff, but you, you will never know, fuck you, you say that you are a leader ? You are the worst one, fuck yourself." Then she kicked Viqar in the face and went from there.

It was midnight, everyone was sleeping, then Alam came to Viqar, he was also awake, then Alam told"Consider yourself lucky that I myself, the Alam, came again to open your chains." Then he opened the chains and took Viqar with him in another room, and then Sofia was also awake, so she started following them, then Alam said, "Hey Sofia, it would be better if you go and sleep. I don't want anyone to be around." Sofia replied, "No, babe, I will come with you guys. I also want to talk with Viqar." Then she walked towards Alam. And before she could say anything, Alam slapped her, and she felt down, and then Alam went to her and hold her collar and lift her up and say, "What do you think you are? You have no right to disobey me. You are just my sex slave. Always act like that and never ever say no to me again, if you do , you will be hurt so bad." While this was going on, Viqar was focusing on Sofia and thought that she would say "sorry Alam I will obey you". But she didn't, then Alam again grabbed her by her neck and told her "remember, your place, you slut". Viqar noticed that she was crying and he felt bad for her.  Then Alam told that "hey Viqar, I will promise to help you, but in return, I want one thing, and it is......." It was a silence for like about a minute. then Viqar said, "Hey alam, I am hearing. Tell me your conditions." He says, "Not conditions I want only one thing, and I want to meet my daughter, and after the mission, I want you to Leave me all alone with my daughter, all alone on an island." Viqar was shocked and he was like "whhattt?? You have a daughter?, ooh wow never expected this, don't worry Alam I will leave you and her alone for few days after that we can start the mission and even after that live a secret life". Viqar then said "you have a lot of money right ? Then why don't you ran away and meet her ?", so Alam replied " because she is in government custody and even if I ran away I can't meet her". Viqar then told "ooh understood, by the way last thing, Sofia she loves you but you treat her like a pet"..Alam lit his cigarette, and after one smoke, he told" Sofia, She is an emotionless creature, and according to her, love means having sex, and she doesn't know any feelings except for happiness and lust, I just kept her with me so that I could fuck her whenever I want and sometimes when she is not in mood I still fuck her, because I am bored in this cell, and she has a hot body, isn't it?" Viqar smiled, and he asked, "How old is your daughter?" Alam angrily replied, "You bastard, this is the last time, never ever compare my daughter with that slut......, Sofia is just a sex doll I brought". Sofia was listening to this was crying and weeping, then she wiped her tears and went to sleep but even in bed she kept crying. The next day in the morning, Alam, Viqar, Sofia, Shafi, and Rumaisa were on a call as they brought the cellphones into the prison cell, and Viqar started the talk,"Hey guys, it's me, Viqar, and I am going to introduce you guys to our new teammates, Alam and Sofia," and Alam told "what ? No need to take Sofia let her in this cell". Sofia replied "please don't do this to me, if you leave me alone here, I would die, these people will rape all day and I would die". Alam replied "that's what you deserve, don't you ? And you even like it". She replied "please, please I know I am bad I am slut but please". Viqar replied "Alam, let her in, don't worry it is my responsibility". Then Alam accepted and then on call he told , "Hey guys, I know that you remember me clearly, and I am in this team just because of I-need freedom, and I am just using you guys to get out of her," and Sofia says, "Hey Shafi and Rumaisa, I know that you guys already heard my voice, I am the same Sofia who was burned and died in that place "I guess you all know the story, and you know..." Viqar interrupted and told me, "Leave all those past graves. I want to make a plan to go outside of this hell." Sofia said, "Yeah, Shafi and Alam both have a big man power, like hundreds of people will be there to fight for you guys, so why don't we make a prison break like a heroic one like boooom and killing people, and we will be walking in the between?" Viqar said, "Hey, no, it's not a good idea. I want Sameer to think that we are still in jail so that he can't track us, and we know that he is smarter than us, so it is better that he thinks like that. We are still here, so I want alam to find people who are going to take our sides here as the leaders and people so that even if that is the security that works under him, he should not be suspicious, and Shafi I want you to.....:"

(To be continued.......)

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