Chapter 5

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"And this is how we end up in jail". Sidra replied "whattt???? how smart that person is is like, Oh my god, ok, but then how do you guys  escape?" Rumaisa smiled and told me, "I was in jail (few minutes later), all those things happened then.Viqar made a messy plan, so it was Shafi's task to make a fire. It should be big enough to at least burn five to 10 people to death, so Shafi did that, but as you know, fire is just sooo unpredictable, it became a huge fire, and many people started getting burned by it, and then firefighters came, and they were not normal firefighters, they were the people who were sent by Alam, who had the same body shape as us and was somewhat identical to us, so we changed the clothes with them, but then when we were going out and met outside, it was only 4 of us, it seems Sofia had a phobia of fire, so she became unconscious, so Viqar asked, "Hey alam, Where is Sofia?" He replied, "How do I know and why do I care, Viqar listen, I think we should let her die, because she is not more than a slut, and I don't even care". Shafi got angry and said, "Viqar, you guys just escape from here, I will bring her.".Then he went there and saw her on the ground unconscious, and because she was wearing the dress of firefighter, she didn't catch fire, so Shafi removed her firefighter jacket so that he could lift her easily, and he lifted her and ran outside and then Viqar said, "Listen, guys, I want you guys to Run anywhere and remember we will meet at Turtle Street after 3 months, and till then, take this fake IDs made by Alam and trying to live a normal-life so that no one should suspect you." Then Viqar and Alam took bikes from there and ran away, but Rumaisa and Shafi were still there because Sofia was still unconscious, so they were trying to wake her up. Then Rumaisa told her, "Hey Shafi, I want to remove her clothes and try to give CPR. Can you move a little back". He said, "Yea, yea, sure, fast, and don't worry I will be here till you do that, let me bring a wet towel to wrap her as she became so hot." Till Shafi went to bring the wet towel, Rumaisa removed her clothes and when Shafi brought the towel, she wiped her body, and they wrapped her in that towel and took her to Shafi's  house." After some time, Sofia woke up, and what she saw was her clothes were changed, and then suddenly Shafi entered the room and saw her awake, and he was happy But before he could call Rumaisa, Sofia got up, slapped Shafi, and told him, "How dare you to change my clothes?" He then told me, "Hey, who told you that I changed your clothes, it was Rumaisa, and she is still here." Then Rumaisa came and asked Shafi to go outside. Then they both sat on the bed, and then Rumaisa asked"Hey, how are you now? Sofia replied "yea fine......, actually I am feeling a little dizzy....., how long I have been sleeping". Rumaisa replied "from past 2 days, don't worry now you will be okay, this is a secret hideout of Shafi,". Then Rumaisa told "And I saw cuts and marks on your body, so can you please tell me? What happened to you, you can tell me if you are comfortable? I am not forcing you". She smiled and told her whole back story, and then Rumaisa said, "Oh, I see, that's why you don't know the difference between love and sex." Sofia exclaimed, "Hey what do you mean? They are the same thing, like if you love someone, it means you want to have sex.with them". Rumaisa laughed and said, "No, Sofia, that is called lust and the feeling of having sex with someone is not called love, love is a beautiful feeling where your whole body starts to feel lighter, you start to think about that person all the time, butterflies in your stomach, you don't like that person to be with anyone, like you will feel jealous even if he sees any girl, and in love, what you want is that he should hug you and stay like that forever". Sofia said, "Isn't that strange, like I never felt that, I always feel like going to kiss that person and feels like I don't care whoever he is with, and how can you be so sure, like, have you loved someone before or are you in love?" Rumaisa said, "I was in love, but not now, because Mahmoud Darwish once said"You are killing me, and you are keeping me from dying, that is love." Then Rumaisa continued, "Love is something that heals you and even if you are not hurt, Sadly, I couldn't find the love I wanted, but I think you can for sure." Then Shafi knocks on the door and says, "Hey guys, sorry to disturb you guys, but here is your breakfast, and this is my special dish "hot and sour chicken soup" I am sure you guys will like it". Then he placed r next to them and even placed a slice of bread and says, "If you never ate a soup with bread, you never ate soup." Then he went out. Rumaisa looked at Sofia, and she was blushing.So Rumaisa thought to herself, "Does she blush because she saw Shafi and liked him or does she get embarrassed because she slapped  him?" Then she told to Sofia, "Hey, you know this soup tastes so good, and like I never thought a gym freak, such a tough man can also cook yaar, like he is like an ideal boyfriend, for sure. His girlfriend would be so lucky, and you know as you were sleeping on his bed, he slept on the sofa." Then Sofia said, "Yeah, I'm feeling so bad. What should I do now?" Rumaisa said, "Go and apologise him, and no I am not going to come, I will be enjoying this soup". So then Sofia went and.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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