The First Time

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So I literally had no clue who any of these people were. My sister had commented on their stuff, liked, reposted, and I had one full sit through of a Tiktok clip of one of their YouTube videos. They were kind of cute, but my first thought was looking up their age because my sister liked them and she is 15, so I assumed they were her age. Nope. All 20 (at the time of my writing this). Oh thank god. I remember being her age and having a crush on older guys. I was only 11 when One Direction came out so it's just a given, yanno?

I started liking the videos and they were all really funny actually. I felt like a lot of the humor I saw online for my age range was tone deaf, enough to make me exhale, or just not even funny at all. Their videos genuinely made me laugh out loud, giggle, etc. There was only one other creator that made me laugh, but it was nothing compared to the triplets content. Sometimes I would laugh so hard I would cry. Chris really reminded me of myself so I had a little bit of favoritism from the start. We both said the stupidest shit that came to mind, without thinking. We both loved Pepsi. We were both so naturally funny (more like laughing at ourselves).

As time went on I continued to like every clip of theirs that showed up on Tiktok. I shot all three of them an Instagram DM telling them I loved their videos and to continue making content. I didn't expect a response, just wanted to let them know. I slowly started getting edits of them on my FYP as well.

These triplets were a lot more popular than I thought. They even have a tour going on! A tour? That is like the "we made it" of being internet famous. I still remember Magcon like it was yesterday. It seemed like it was a similar concept to Magcon.

I continued to go on Tiktok near daily just to scroll through my FYP to see their videos. Maybe I should actually start watching them on YouTube, so they can get revenue from my views instead of these random people on Tiktok.

I subscribed, obviously. I learned their posting schedule and started to watch everytime they put out a video. If there was a launch for any merch or any collabs, you knew I was on that shit. I am a full grown adult, I really shouldn't be acting this way towards internet celebrities, but they were my age too. It wasn't getting out of hand or anything. I talked myself down, it wasn't like I was dming them everyday, commenting under their videos, buying everything they came out with (this part I was guilty of), going on their tour, or being delusional about them like by writing a fan fiction or something.

My sister and I got closer and closer as we talked about them together, she was a Matt girl and I was a Chris girl so there was never anything to fight about. We laughed together, watched their videos together, and just genuinely had a good time because of this mutual interest.

Over time we just got really close due to this. She was turning 16 soon and I was turning 23 this year. Icky, it made me feel so old watching her grow up. My little sister is almost old enough to drive now. Ugh.

We had been watching them for about a year now and they announced a tour again. I told myself that my sister would love to go, but it was secretly for me too. I bought tickets and texted her about it. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YOU PSYCHO!!!!! I LOVE YOU NO WAY!!!! IM GONNA SHIT MY PANTS OH MY GOD!!!" she was obviously excited. I'm so glad I could do something like that for her, but also very excited to see them as well! Their videos helped me through some tough times so I would love to get to thank them in person.

It was about six months away still, but at least we got the tickets! Now it's time to wait.

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