The Show

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As soon as the lights went low everyone started screaming, anticipating the arrival of the boys. I couldn't do anything but leave my mouth agape as they came out on stage and started waving. Oh wow. They look so good. I looked over to my sister who had her mouth open and the corners of her lips were curled up into an excited smile. I loved that I could do this for her. The lights on her face, the twinkle in her eyes from the stage lights, and the biggest smile I've ever seen.

We were both equally as excited to see them. As they started scanning the audience I make eye contact with Chris and my face turns into a tomato. Something about attractive people giving me attention just makes me blush so hard, even if I'm not interested in them. They continue to scan the audience, wave, and smile. Next it eye contact with Matt and he smiled a little at me and then waved directly at me. How sweet of him! I looked at Kinsley who was waving at him, and he looked over and waved back at her. I could tell she was about to faint at that small interaction.

They start walking around on stage, talking into the mics, laughing, cracking jokes, and trying to get the audience to participate with them. They read out some questions from Twitter and Instagram and answered them live. I did not want to participate as my anxiety would get the best of me, getting called on in a crowd of 500 people is the scariest thing ever.

My sister must've felt the same way, as neither of us asked anything. After about two hours of this the show ended and then came the meet and greet portion of the show.

It was a little different than I was expecting. You read so many One Direction fanfictions and it describes them as sitting at tables, signing things, and taking selfies over the tables. There were no tables, only one line to come up directly to all three of them to meet and speak with them while standing, no separation. I was not expecting this and it made me a little more anxious.

Kinsley and I finally got to the front of the line and I feel like I'm about to pass out. I have heart issues so I was a little scared I might actually pass out. I walk up to Nick first and I guess he could tell I was a little off. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and started to speak. "Hey Nick, I just wanted to let you know that I have heart problems and I feel like I'm about to pass out. Can I hold on to you for a little bit?" He squeezed me a little and he spoke in my ear, "Yeah sure, we can't take up much time because there is a line but just breathe for me and try to calm down. We are just regular people like you, nothing more. It's okay." He rubbed my back a little. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me." I held on for a little bit longer and then I took a deep breath in and let go.

Nick and I made eye contact, held hands, and nodded to confirm I was all good. I turned around to face Chris and my face turned all red and I started hearing my blood rush in my ears but I felt steady, just nervous. He smiled at me and offered out a hug, to which I obviously obliged. Kinsley had hugged both Chris and Matt already and was waiting to hug Nick. After I began hugging Chris, she finally went over to hug Nick. I wrapped my arms around him and gave a little squeeze. "Thank you." I said to him during our embrace. "For what?" He said. "For the hug, obviously." I giggled like it was obvious. "Oh no problem." He said. He gave me a little squeeze and then we let go. I moved on to hug Matt and he was just beaming at me. He was so sweet. I wrapped my arms around him and we gave eachother a little squeeze and ran through the same conversation I had with Chris, thanking him for the hug.

I had began speaking with Matt, "Yeah I was just really nervous coming up here, it's my first time and I have heart problems so I was really scared I was gonna pass out or something." He looked at me and his jaw dropped, "You really could've passed out? Is that what was going on with Nick?" I nodded. "Oh man, you don't have to be scared of us. I know we're cool or whatever but we're just people like you. Are you okay now though, like you're not gonna pass out or anything?" He was a little concerned. "Yeah, no I'm all good now. Thanks for asking though." I smiled at him. "Ready to take a picture?" He asked. "Do you mind if I actually switch places with my sister so she can be by you? You're her favourite." I asked. "Yeah of course." He said and he held his arm out for my sister to come give him a side hug for the picture.

I was inbetween Nick and Chris, Kinsley was inbetween Chris and Matt (Nick, Me, Chris, Kinsley, Matt). I gripped onto Chris and we all smiled for the pic. I wore a funny Garfield shirt so after my nerves wore off Nick noticed and read my shirt and started laughing, he smacked Chris on the shoulder to tell him to look at my shirt, and Chris' laugh made Matt look too. "Oh my god I love that shirt." Chris said, wiping a tear from his eye from laughing. "Thank you, I got it online but I don't remember where." I said. It was becoming our time to leave them, but I grabbed a sticky note and pen from my purse and quickly wrote my number on it and my sisters with our names and handed it to Chris very quickly. My anxiety was so bad but I was not gonna miss a chance to talk to them again.

"Heres this." I say and hand it to Chris. "What is this?" Chris asks and I just put a finger phone up to my ear and shake it, meaning "call me". He seemed to have gotten the message and shoved the sticky note in the pocket of his shorts and nodded to me. Kinsley looked at me with her mouth open wide but her hand covering it in disbelief. "Oh my god, I can't believe you did that." She said. "Well I put your number on there too." I said. "No fucking way. Oh my god you have made my night." We both walk away from them and wave goodbye.

I don't know if he will actually text me, but it can't hurt to try I guess. Kinsley and I left the venue and looked at the pics we got while sitting in my car in the parking lot. We looked at them and smiled. "Ugh, that was the best day ever. Thank you so much E!" She says as she starts putting her seatbelt on. "No problem, anything for my lil sister, I'm just glad you enjoyed it." I said while putting on my seatbelt and putting my phone on the phone holder to navigate home. "Enjoyed it? You gave them my number, I fucking loved it." She smiled. I'm so glad she did.

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