Prologue : Serendipity

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!! : This story is originally written by Ramyani on archiveofourown .

This was one of my favorite jikook story of all time so I wanna share it with you guys please visit account and show love but let's start the story now.


Thomas Andrews watched intently towards the sun, drooping low on the horizon

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Thomas Andrews watched intently towards the sun, drooping low on the horizon. The entire place drenched in an auburn aura. The breeze was on the better side of chilly, spring being in its early, eager bloom. He took out his gold watch from the pocket of his long trench coat- half past three. Preparations were in full swing, nearing completion. Just a few touches here and there. The high tide would hit around 4 pm.

He strolled around the yard, enjoying the calmness and the excited noises coming from the workers nearby. The sense of achievement rushed through his system, making him proud. He couldn’t wait to see the fruition of his work. He only wanted to make the people happy. An adventure of their lifetime, sailing the gorgeous ocean. That’s not to say he wasn’t anxious. He had immense faith in his craft and also the hard work of the people who made his vision come true.

But the ocean… She had a mind of her own. And he could only hope for her generosity and acceptance towards his endeavour.

“Mr. Andrews, Sir?” his secretary, John Samuels approached, standing beside him with his hands clasped behind his back.

“Everything good, John?”

“Yes Sir. Waiting for the tide to set in.”

Thomas Andrews fished out his pocket watch once again, three minutes to 4.

“It’s almost time.” he murmured, eyes never leaving the horizon.

“She will be a success, Sir.” His secretary said with conviction.

“Thank you, John. I’ve a good feeling about this.”

“As you should.”

Just then the bells began to ring loud and gleeful throughout the dock. The workers began hollering and cheering. Everyone making it a momentous occasion. Which it was, it really was. The ocean seemed to have sensed the shift in the mood. The waves aligned and engorged, in all their vicious glory and Thomas Andrews smiled. It was time.

The graphite rungs were attached to the metal hull on both the front and the rear. All the necessary entrapment made in various places that were required for the massive pull. After everything was in place, the process began. It was tedious, took quite some time, but the ocean was kind and welcoming. Soon she was floating tall and proud in her downright regal glory.

Thomas Andrews felt an odd sense of invincibility as he stared at her. A true beauty, accentuating the picturesque background of the molten sun. The world was hers for the taking. The workers threw their caps and celebrated, their days of toil now displayed in all her vision, swaying prettily on the waters in the early March afternoon.

“She is the most beautiful ship to ever sail the Atlantic.” John Samuels whispered, in absolute awe.

“She is the only ship of such magnificence to ever sail the Atlantic.” Thomas Andrews replied, proud.

“If I may say so, you’ve outdone yourself, Sir.” Samuels said, turning towards the other man in the utmost respect. And Thomas Andrews smiled, content.

“What should we name her?”

“Serendipity, the ship that never sinks.”

The seagulls screeched overhead in apparent agreement as the waves lovingly caressed its new passenger, eager to begin an unforgettable odyssey.

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