Somethin' Stupid🥤🎒

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(A/N: sodapack/fizzyfabric angst type shi)

Bryce stood up from his barstool, legs wobbly after having way too much to drink. Liam had tagged along with him to this little bar trip. He had a pretty low tolerance for alcohol, so he had a little bit of wine and that's it.

Liam allowed Bryce to lean against him, making sure he didn't fall over and hurt himself. As expected, he reeked of alcohol. Liam tried to ignore it, and helped Bryce into the passenger seat of his car before he got in the drivers seat. He gestured for Bryce to hand over the car keys, and in a drunken haze, Bryce complied.

Liam sighed as he drove to the apartment he shared with Bryce. The car radio played some song he didn't recognize, but Bryce seemed to know, as he quietly sang along with slurred speech. He focused on the road ahead, sighing as he got to a road with some traffic. It was 1 in the morning, why did the streets have to be so hellish at this hour?

Liam glanced over at Bryce, who leaned against the window. Was he... crying? His flushed face and dizzy expression were hard to read, but Liam swore he saw a tear roll down his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but a honk from the car behind him snapped him back to reality. He turned back to the road, hesitantly glancing at the soda bottle one last time before he continued driving.

When they finally arrived at the apartment building, Liam got out of the car and struggled to get Bryce out.

"Bryce... come on. We gotta go inside."

"I don't wannaaa...!"

"Bryce. You're drunk. You need to rest."


"Please don't make me force you out of the car."

"...Fffine. Can you carry me..?"

Liam was a little shocked at the request. But, if it meant it would get Bryce out of the car...

"Sigh... Alright. Come here."

Bryce giggled a bit while unbuckling his seatbelt, reaching his arms out to the backpack and making little grabby hands at him. Liam smiled a bit at the childish gesture, lifting him into a princess carry as he locked the car and went into the building.

The atmosphere was oddly comforting. The soft breathing from Bryce who held on tight to Liam, occasionally hiccuping or sniffling. The faint hum of the fluorescent lights in the elevator. The quiet rattling of the shaky elevator. It felt... perfect. Liam watched the elevator doors open, carrying Bryce out with him as he walked down the hall to their apartment.

"You really need to stop drinking so much..." Liam sighed, watching the man in his arms look up at him.

"But I don't waaantt toooo..." Bryce slurred.

He seemed almost childlike when he was drunk around Liam. Liam had once spoke to another person who regularly went to the same bar as Bryce, and they had explained how the soda bottle was irritable and distant when under the influence. They seemed shocked that Bryce was in this sappy childish mindset around Liam, but brushed it off. That conversation left a lot of thoughts in his head.

Liam struggled to get the keys to their apartment for a moment while still holding Bryce. Once he finally managed however, he went over to Bryce's bed and laid him down on it. He walked over to the counter to get a cup of water for him. He glanced back and noticed Bryce curled up, staring at him with what seemed like a longing expression. Liam finished filling the tall plastic cup with water, walking over to Bryce and setting the cup on his nightstand. He was about to lay down where he slept, but Bryce gently grabbed his arm and looked at him with pathetic, pleading eyes.

"Lay with me... please."

Liam's heart skipped a beat for a second, his confusion and curiosity skyrocketing.


He was pulled onto the bed beside Bryce, who hugged him tight from behind with one arm and held his hand with the other. It felt awkward and sudden at first, but slowly Liam adjusted and felt calm. That was, until he heard quiet sobs from behind him. He felt his hand being squeezed harder, and the trembling of it instantly set off alarm bells. He turned back to Bryce, seeing him starting to break down.

"Bryce? Wh- What's wrong?" Liam asked as he sat up and pulled Bryce closer to him.

The soda bottle cried into his chest, soaking Liam's fabric with tears. This weak display made Liam feel even more dumbfounded. Sure, he'd seen Bryce drunk before, but he was never this drunk.

Bryce tried wiping the hot, thick flowing tears from his eyes. He couldn't stop them though, as more replaced the ones he dried. He stared up at Liam's concerned face, sniffling as his feelings he had bottled up were threatening to spill out right then and there. His heart felt so full that it could explode, and the alcohol didn't help him prevent it.

Liam noticed Bryce starting to look down at his lips. He felt a little flustered, unsure if it was intentional or not. He was quickly given his answer when Bryce leaned closer, planting a soft kiss on his lips. The faint, lingering taste of beer mixed with the taste of the wine he had previously drank, creating a strange mixture of the two that was on the verge of being unpleasant.

After a few seconds, Bryce pulled away. His tired, shameful, hopeless eyes closed as he leaned onto Liam's chest once more.

"I love you."

Bryce hated himself for admitting it. He hated that he fell for who he once wanted nothing to do with. But there wasn't much he could do now that he said it to his face, especially while drunk. His vision was fading as his consciousness left him, blacking out as the several bottle of beer caught up with him and finally made him pass out.

Liam was entirely shocked. He felt bad for not knowing what to do there, but there really wasn't anything he COULD do. Was this dependency he was seeing from Bryce? Did he see him as more than a friend? What was it that those three words meant... I love you?

Liam frowned, feeling his heart ache at the entire interaction. He adjusted to lay down, allowing Bryce to lay on top of him. He grabbed Bryce's hand and gently caressed his skin with his thumb, close to silently singing a few lyrics from the song he previously heard on the radio as he drifted off to sleep with Bryce.

"The time is right, your perfume fills my head
The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid like
'I love you.'
I love you..
I love you...
I love you....
I love you....."

This is based on Somthin' Stupid by Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra <3
Ignore the fact that Liam can drive and they're kinda outta character in this... I spent like 2 or maybe 3 hours writing this. It's 2am on a school night as I'm writing this A/N AND this was originally on my notes app. Thanks for reading though, I appreciate it!)

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