chapter 26

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"Mr. Malhotra, are you listening?" Yash calls out for me which pulls me out of my daze about Maya. Lately, she's all I've been thinking about. Her voice, her kisses, her soft hair, her laugh, our stolen kisses in her office, her beautiful brown eyes that glimmer every time I kiss her. It hurts to be away from her for so long. I mean I'm away on business trips all the fucking time, but god my heart aches to have her next to me right this fucking moment.

"Yes, I'm listening. Yash, You may continue," I warn, sending a glare at him. This chipmunk of a man is getting on my nerves all too well. He nods and continues blabbering while I, on the other hand, I go back to thinking about Maya.

When did I stop seeing her as just a junior to me? When did she become my only source of pure happiness? When did she become my safe haven? She's as pure as I remember her being but me, I'm not who I used to be. And I'm afraid she doesn't know that. And this particular thought eats me up at all the ways that she fixed me unknowingly

One particular thought stuck with me though as much as I don't want it to, it does, and that is that I want her to have me, I want to he hers. But I'm too scared to let her see the parts of me I keep buried deep inside me. The parts I didn't know I had back when we were in school. I'm afraid she will not see me as the same as she does now when she gets to know about them. When she uncovers how cruel and horrible monster of a person I am.

I come from the Malhotra family, one of the most powerful families in India. All my siblings, we've got control over every single area that there is, even though if it's kept secret. We are everywhere and that is the power of the Malhotras'. It is part of the reason my identity is not out for the public to know about, they can't know about me owning a hotel chain, or at least just a hotel chain.

Nonetheless, I want to be with her while I can. I want her to be my girlfriend but I need the way I ask her to be mine to be so fucking epic and unforgettable that she has no choice but to say yes.

I'm not the type of person who fears rejection, but for someone like her, anyone would fold and a million percent, would fear rejection.

I wish I could sing because I know she does and moreover, my ears are eager to hear her sing in that angelic as fuck voice of hers which dries me insane whether she intends it to or not. I just fucking want to hear her sing.

I know she plays the guitar as well, and I want her to sing for me. I know that she sounds like an angel, and I want to hear that angel singing, just once. And here I'm plotting ways on how I should get her to sing for me. 

Lately, the only thing I'm surviving with is our midnight calls. Despite the time difference, she makes sure to call me at least once a day. Her voice is fucking therapeutic, I haven't gotten any of my suicidal dreams, or nightmares and if my mom gets to know about this effect of Maya on me, she might as well just find a way to bind me with her.

I think I'm falling in love with everything about her and it fucking terrifies me. And the more I talk to her, the better I can read her. There's a hint of unbearable pain that resides in their voice of hers. And I guess the saying is right, even angels can't run from their demons.

Hearing her voice as the last thing I hear before I fall asleep is so fucking precious. I mean I know I don't want to rush things with her but how can I stop myself from falling for her?

"Thoughts sir?" A familiar voice called out, Kavya, my assistant. I glance at my watch to check the time before I respond, 6 o'clock pm. God, just need to hold on for one thousand one hundred and fourteen minutes before I see Maya again.

"No, not yet. Please give me time to go over this whole meeting and I will let you know if I have any thoughts, Yash" I stand up and straighten my suit, and she stands up as well, I walk towards the door of the conference room and halt in my steps right before the door. I turn to look at her, "Give me detailed notes of this meeting, in 3 three hours and I should have it by the time I board my flight today" I say and walk past her.

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