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The next morning, as the golden rays of the morning sun gently illuminate the beach, Allan slowly stirs awake, feeling an unusual weight on his body. He opens his eyes and is surprised to find Noah's legs draped over his own and Noah's arm resting lightly on his chest. His face flushed a light red as he realized how closely they had ended up during the night.

Allan tries to sit up, trying not to disturb Noah's peaceful sleep. As he moves, Noah stirs slightly, his eyes fluttering open.

Noah: "Hmm? Morning already?"

Allan chuckles softly, his voice warm and playful.

Allan: "Seems like we had a bit of a cuddle session in our sleep. I didn't know you were so touchy."

Noah's cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Noah: "I... I didn't mean to. Guess I'm just used to sharing a bed with my dog back home."

Allan smiles, his gaze lingering on Noah's face.

Allan: "Well, I don't mind. It was actually quite nice."

Noah: "Hm, sorry, what did you say? I wasn't paying any attention."

Allan: "Oh, it's nothing."


They start their day by trying to find food. As they wander through the dense foliage, Noah suddenly stops in his tracks, his eyes widening with surprise.

Noah: "Woah!"

Allan, startled and concerned, rushes over to see what caught Noah's attention.

Allan: "What is it?"

Noah points at a small trap hidden amidst the foliage, with a bunny caught in its clutches. Allan's gaze fixates on the trapped animal, and a haunting memory from his past floods his mind. He is transported back to a time when he was just a child.

Young Allan, with tears streaming down his face, clutches a lifeless bunny in his trembling hands. He looks up at his stern father, who stands nearby with an emotionless expression.

Father: "Suck it up, kid. There's no use in crying over something so stupid."

Young Allan continues to sob, heartbroken over the loss of his beloved pet.

Father: "Allan, let's go. There are more important things to focus on."

Young Allan, still sniffling, obediently follows his father, his sorrow hidden behind a facade of strength.


Allan blinks, returning to the present moment, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He takes a deep breath, steadying himself.

Allan: "Noah, let's free the bunny."

Noah's brows furrow in concern, recognizing the flicker of pain in Allan's eyes. He nods, understanding the significance of this moment for his friend.

Noah: "Of course, we'll set it free."

With gentle care, they release the bunny from the trap, watching as it scurries away into the safety of the wilderness. Allan's heart feels a little lighter, as if a small piece of his past pain has been healed.

Allan: "Thank you, Noah."

Noah places a comforting hand on Allan's shoulder.

Noah: "Welp, I shouldn't ask, so let's just go. 'Kay?

Allan nods, his mind focused on coming up with a plan to ensure their survival. As they walk through the forest, engaged in conversation, Allan suddenly removes his sweater and ties it around his waist. Noah's eyes widen, and a faint blush creeps up his cheeks.

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