Friendship Power idk

21 1 0

Trigger Warning(s): underage drinking, alcohol, nonlethal overdose, misuse of drugs, addiction, panic attack, implied suicide plan, advil


"-m just saying its gotten out of hand. Do you really wanna support turning a fourteen year old boy into an alcoholic???"

"Well anything sounds bad if you say it like that slime hun. It was just a party calm down"

"With the way he was drinking? hes clearly not doing it for fun anymore quackity!"



"Hm?" I growled in my sleep, all the noise was waking me up faster. I stretched my arms bumping into someone

"Haii~ schlatt, good mornin'! How are you feeling? Who i think was Alex chirped far too happily.

"Shiteh" i mumbled cracking open my eyes the best i could. Besides the spots in my vision and blinding lights i saw Alex. The small boy crawled over to me protectively, holding a glass of water.

"Schlatt.. you need to drink this okay? I got you some advil too, your favorite" the boy giggled. "How many do you want?" He asked genuinely.

"Fifteen" i stated dryly. Not enough for a lethal overdose, but usually enough to make me totally numb and all tingling. Which at this point im gonna admit i like it. For a while now I've been seeing how many pain pills i can take before It's too many. And taking more and more slowly just to feel something at all, even if that something is nothing.

"Okay!" The small raven haired boy counted out my pills before handing them to me without question. "But you have to drink all the water big man." he chirped.

"NoooooOo Alex, sugar, please my throat hurts." I whined, talking the most i had all day. "Give me the fucking pills ... please?"

"Well your stomach will hurt even worse if you don't drink it"

"Fine" i reply, hating how obedient i sound around him. I took the handful of pills from his hand, skillfully swallowing them all in one gulp. Alex watched me, with something i couldnt quite pin glistening in his eyes. I sipped the glass wincing now and again. When i finished it i handed it back to Alex, feeling childish. He placed it gently on the night stand before leaning into me comfortably. I pulled him under my blanket letting his head rest against my chest. We were both still quite hungover and probably going to sleep all day.

"... Schlatt?" Alex whispered into my chest.

"Mhn?" I replied, pushing him to continue as i brushed my fingers gently through his hair.

"How are you really?" The boy asked nervously picking at the cigarette burns in his sleeve.

"I'm uh.." i started, stunned buy the seriousness of the question. "I'm getting there" i replied carefully.

"C-can i help at all? Is there something wrong? Everyone has been really worried about you after what happened last night. I'm not sure if you remember b-but you saiid a lot when you were drunk and i-i worry about you.. often." The boy stammered, eager to get out his feelings. I pretended not to feel the tears bubbling up against my chest, since he hid them profusely.

"Wait, Alex what the fuck did i say?! What do you mean??" I yelled jumping up slightly and leaning my back against the wall.

"I-i that you had been super stressed out and that your parents are never home so you have to take care of tubbo and walk him all the way to preschool because you're not even old enough to drive a-and you talked about how much  you hate yourself and you keep asking people if they can take care of tubbo if you ever left. You kept sobbing and telling everyone that you loved them so much. You wouldn't stop drinking until you passed out i- e- you scared eeveryone" he squeaked, shaking softly up against me. I pulled the panicked boy closer, feeling guilty as all hell.

"Hey hey sweetheart look at me" i said, holding his hands tightly for him to feel the pressure. "You need to calm down for me okay? I'm fine really" Alex shook violently, his teeth chattering as he finally let out a gut wrenching sob. "Gnnn-oo your-r  'ot!" He cried punching my chest. From there he started sobbing uncontrollably, hyperventilating so bad he couldn't speak properly anymore. I was scared he might pass out.

"Hey ducky do you think you can look at me please?" I asked. "Here copy my breathing" i said, taking exaggerated breaths. The smaller boy looked up at me really trying his best but still shaking a lot. We stayed like this until he was calm enough to speak.

"Johnathon can you promise me one thing" quackity said in a serious tone

"Anything" i said .

"S-swear to me you're not gonna kill yourself" he pleaded.

"I promise"


"I swear, quackity I'm not going to kill myself" i promised looking into his eyes. If i was lying it would've shown. I really did believe it, but who knows what the future holds.

Word count: 852

Ayyy short first chaper but just u wait im gonna add sm underage drug abuse yay! (Dont do drudsg)

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