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*after the class*

we headed outside the building our faces feeling a site of air 

"geez that was a horrible day.." i said with a numb face leaning a bit forward 

i had no energy i needed to get back home as soon as possible to get some rest,maby not?

"going to your home by a taxi again?" she asked 

"yea...u think i have a choice?" i replied looking at her forcing back a smile 

"hmm go home safe then good bye nashwa" and with that we seperated our ways she went to her brother who was waiting for her wearing a helmet. 

he looked handsome i suppose....i snapped out of my thoughts with that words echoing in my head

what did i just say?? was i falling for him? no. u need to go home nashwa get a taxi. i avoided that thought with all my strength and went into a taxi thinking about the assignments i had to complete within a week. 

"ugh what a dreadful day..." i wispered as i opend the door with some papers in my hands 

clearly just wanted to run back to my room and lock myself ...but everything changed when i looked at the person infront of me .my aunt....

MY AUNT.MY AUNT!! a clear big smile formed on my faceas the papers in my hands just dropped down. i didnt cared 

i ran towards her pulling her into a hug. my eyes were about to water as i let go 

"long time no see my dear" she said with a smile, a beautiful smile 

i was always found of her in everything her beauty her aqlaq her love. she was wonderful 

"yea clearly someone forgot about me" i replied with a temprimental face looking away folding my eyes 

"haha....sorry dear i tried convincing your uncle but he just was not listening instead he...."

before she could say anything i noticed the marks on her neck i looked at her narrowing my eyes with disbelieve

"nashwa!! u came back?? how many times do i gotta remind you to greet everyone at home first" my mom shouted from the other room clearly disappointed 

"u should go greet her first i will meet u in your room" my aunt replied with a small smile as i nodded 

i went to my mom who was sitting in the balcony enjoying the view.as she turned to me 

"Assalaamalaikum mumma" i said making a smile

"walaikumassalam" she replied with her dull face.looking pale as always having huge darkcircles down her eyes 

"u look more exhausted than usual mumma" i said with a concerning face as she looked at me 

"oh dont worry about me and go talk to ur aunt shes probably waiting for u in your room" she replied clearly ignoring my question 

i signed and left the room to head straight towards my bedroom. my aunt was sitting on my bed as i climbed up to sit beside her 

"oh look whos here.." she said while smiling at me 

"dont act like you dont know a damn thing and tell me what happened" i said with a frown on my face 

i knew what was going on i always knew and it's a shame that i coudn't do anything about it.

"well...u see..ur uncle was drunk yesterday night...and..." she said looking down fidgeting her fingers

"and? he beated u again? thats why u came here?" i asked 

she looked at me suprised by my words. did my words hurt her? it was not her fault afterall

i signed "now what are u gonna go with him again if her takes u tonight?" i asked looking down 

"yea...do i have a choice? i love him" she repled. her eyes were watering 

how can love be so blind? so much that u cant even see whats worng and whats right..

"soo that basterd is gonna come tonight?" i asked 

"hmm..." that was her only answer

"but aunt u know he tried to take advantage of ME" you get that??

she was not looking at me at all obviously she had no words to my question and which was the truth 

he is a slut who is just horrible...he still he fucking still looks at me with disgusting eyes 

always finding a way to touch me telling me weird stuff that gives me chills down my spine i live is constant fear that might one day he actually will take advantage of me if i dont leave this fucking house 

i am scared...so scared someone  please...

my thoughts were flooding in my head  eyes filling with water 

but i snapped as i heard a bang on the door

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