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there i was sitting at the balcony with the best view of the sun rising up declaring its beauty to the sky, the clouds turning pale yellow by its impression adding a sense of peace and within the shades of trees who lended cold breeze every minute, birds chripped caroling the beauty of their lords creation

the rocking chair rocked a bit more when i placed my back against its seat holding a quran in my hand while the other grazed on my stomatch stretching a smile on my face, it was 7 months already. i declare it could be the most euphotic months seeing my stomatch grow inch by inch everytime i looked at it, what else could i or any mother ask for? 

speaking of it, time passes quickly, many things came and went like a hurricane in the name of a breeze, but was it as soothing as a breeze i am experiencing now? well, no 

my aunt got the divorce in the most appalling ways starting from reciving threaths after threaths every day to her husband barging into the house and comming for her like a mad man, my aunt and adil were guided with policemen protecting them for their safety, and finally his punishment was sewed from the court getting an imprisonment of 12 yers extending over a lifetime imprisonment

more of less of an information but he was also taken to therapy and turns out he had already passed stages of a sociopath. 

my aunt now has a job from her past degrees to support her and her little prince who is now going to school  and is quiet intelligent to understand mathematics and physiology, i am not suprised as he learned to speak in a quiet early age and already undetstood stuff unlike kids at his age, such as archimedes principles and nervous systems. 

"how is my wife doing?" hearing a voice peeping from the curtains of the blacony with a smile on his face and his hand holding some icecream and pickles 

"i was starving all thanks to you" i said placing the quran down and hands raised for the cravings of icecreams and sour foods 

"was i late?" his expressions worried at my sentence while placing the icecreams right on my hand, he sure loves to use my useless words as an arrow straight into his heart, always taking it places where it didnt belong 

" 21 minutes late to be exact" i said grabbing the jar of pickles to place it on the table beside me. 

taking a sign "sorry jaan, the shops are quiet far away from our house and most of them were closed" 

"yea...it would have been good if you'd let me get out of the house you know..." i said mocking him as i place the sour covered pickles into my mouth 

"yea? and let you go up and down your building to tire you?" he narrowed his eyes and sat on the chair opposite to me 

"forget the building your not even letting me move up and down in my house itself" i said correcting him "and second of all my job isn't about going up and down the building, i have meetings to attend and cases to handle" my voice mummbled when i stuffed another bite of pickles 

he had nothing say, i mean i had a point that i cant stop everything just because i was pregnant

"still..." he was worried, actually too much worried for not letting me move out of the bed if i needed something at night, he would be the one bringing me things after things to meet my cravings which became more and more intense by the increasing time. 

"i am having a case a day after tomorrow and your letting me go, you get that?" i said rigidly picking up the half melted icecream box. 

he struggled at first but spoke in defeat "fine...anything for the queen and my little princess" he said staring at my belly visible from my white night gown i was wearing and was heading to leave but suddenly stopped at the door to look at me and the belly again 

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