they tell me to quit but I'll keep going

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(note from the Creator) soooooo..... I'm a little bit sick today and I'm sniffling I had to skip school today 🥲 so I'll try my best to make this perfect as possible!


A month later after the abuse for Red guy and duck and the sexual abuse for Red guy smart yellow guy tries his best to do everything I can for you stop getting abused and sexual abused but red guy and duck just tells him to give up cuz there's nothing wrong with it but he tries to stay strong.

(Last week)

"Could you just give up!? We ain't going to stop abusing you over our dead bodies!" Duck said

"You think I'm going to stop sexually abusing you? You deserve to know that everything that you do is not good enough or something that you do wrong is wrong!" Red guy said

They just keep on continuing that everything that smart yellow guy does is wrong and they started telling people lies of what smart yellow guy does


"Smart yellow guy just makes up lies and just hurts his twin brother all the time! Me and red guy try our best for him to stop him but he just stops us before we can even try..." Duck says as he lied

They do nothing but just lie to everybody about him

Smart yellow guy POV:

They just do nothing but make lies about me! They even tell my brother that I was being bad in school and I'm making bad grades... but how am I making bad grades if I study for stuff?

(End of POV)

"A stupid green eyes freak comes down here!" Duck called

"Come..." Smart yellow guy said as he walks down the stairs slowly

"Yes duck? Do you need something?" Smart yellow guy asks duck

"Could you please explain to me why your teacher a call and said that you're misbehaving today?" Duck said

"What? I was not misbehaving I was doing my work and listening to her...." Smart yellow guy said

"That's what she did not say to me! She said that you were cussing her out and you were talking crap about everybody in there!" Duck said

"I was not talking crap about anybody and I was not cussing her out!" Smart yellow guy said

(Okay you have reached the end of the story and probably the next chapter is going to be called "the teachers called" so I hope you enjoy this part of the story and the reason why it's a little bit shorts because I'm sick today if you did not read the sign up there)

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