how dumb yellow guy moved in with Heather and Harley (for realz the end)

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Is it a cold night it was very dark and it was raining dumb yellow guy did not know what to do his foster parents did not like him just made him do chores around the house so he ran away so he won't deal with that no more but as he was walking through the Forest and then he wanted to a stranger....

"Oh! I'm sorry I did not mean to bump into you." Dumb yellow guy said

"Oh that's okay you probably did not see me there!" The stranger said

"Um... I'm looking for my twin brother he kind of looks like me but has straight hair and green eyes." Dumb yellow guy said

"Wait what's your name?" The stranger ask

"Well my name is doi/manny but people call me yellow guy." Dumb yellow guy said

"Yellow guy? That reminds me of a name that I used to know during one of my lessons..." The stranger said

"What's your name?" Dumb yellow guy asked

"My name is shrignold and it's nice to meet you." The stranger said

"Wait that also reminds me of a name that I used to know..." Dumb yellow guy said

"Oh! You're about to join our colts but you left before you can even have the time to think of it." Shrignold said

"Oh that's where the name I got it from!" Dumb yellow guy said

"Yes I'm terribly sorry I did not give you enough time to think about it!" Shrignold said

"That's okay! Say... how you been doing after I left?" Dumb yellow guy said

"Well I found my true special one-" shrignold said almost finishing

"Wow I bet she's really nice!" Dumb yellow guy said

"What? my special was not a she!" Shrignold said

"What do you mean? You said that you're special and supposed to be a female if you're a male!" Dumb yellow guy said

"Well... that's what Malcolm thinks! But for me that's not how I think." Shrignold said

"Well who's your special one?" Dumb yellow guy asked

"Well his name is Larry he teaches about dreams!" Shrignold said blushing a little

"Larry? Who's Lar- *gasp* not the lamp!!!" Dumb yellow guy said

"What do you mean? What's so bad about him?" Shrignold asked

"You're freaking special one drowned me in oil years ago!" Dumb yellow guy said

"He was probably drunk back then but he is still but! still. He's not that bad!" Shrignold said

(A few minutes of shrignold and dumb yellow guy walking somewhere)

"Um... Where are we going?" Dumb yellow guy said

"Well until we can find your family you're going to have to stay with me and Larry for a bit" shrignold said

"Oh. Okay.... But you better make sure that there's no oil near your husband or your boyfriend!" Dumb yellow guy said

"Don't worry he hasn't used oil to drown anybody for like a few years now." Shrignold said

"You're saying the last time he saw me he was still drowning people until like a few years ago!?" Dumb yellow guy shouted

"Could you please not yell there're few people that are sleeping." Shrignold said

"Sorry but he has been using oil since the last time he saw me until like a few years ago?" Dumb yellow guy asked

"Well yes but after the last time he saw you it was only for like a year that he still used it." Shrignold said

(At shrignold and Larry house)

"Dear I'm home!" Shrignold called out

"Hey honey! Where have you been?" Larry asked

"Well I've been out to get some groceries for the house until I came across this little fella." Shrignold said

"He reminds me of some kid I used to know..." Larry said try to remember

"H-hi!" Dumb yellow guy said nervously

"Sub kiddo..." Larry said almost passing out

"Oh! Dear! Um... Yellow guy?" Shrignold said

"Yeah?" Dumb yellow guy said

"Could you please go to our guest room and that's where you're going to be sleeping until we find your parents?" Shrignold said

"Okay why?" Dumb yellow guy asked

"Because I think Larry needs some alone time with me." Shrignold said

"Okie dokie..." Dumb yellow guy said

(A few weeks later)

"Are you sure he's here?" Harley ask

"Yes we've known Shrignold and Larry for the past few years so we know that they both can be good caretakers!" Heather said

"Okay if you're sure..." Harley said

Ding dong

"Who could that be?" Shrignold ask

"I don't know. Want to go check?" Larry said half intoxicated

"Yep" shrignold said

(They answered the door)

"Oh hello Heather hello Harley!" Shrignold greeted

"Hey what's up butterfly freak!" Heather said

"Heather... I'm so sorry but hello shrignold!"Harley said

"That's okay! Would you guys like to come in?" Shrignold ask

"Yes we would love to." Harley said

"So what have you guys been up to?" Shrignold ask

"Well recently red guy duck got arrested for abusing smart yellow guy and we're still trying to find his twin brother dumb yellow guy" Heather said

"Oh we have dumb yellow guy here can we have we have been taking care of him until his parents came to pick him up!" Shrignold said

"Damn where is he!" Heather said

"Watch your language... and he's upstairs!" Shrignold said

(Harley and Heather go upstairs)

"Hey buddy!" Harley said

"Heather Harley!!!" Dumb yellow guy said

"Where have you been?" Heather asked

"I've been with some foster parents ever since duck and Red guy got arrested. And they abuse me" dumb yellow guy explained

"Let's just go home." Harley said

"Hey shrigs! Can we bring him home?" Heather asked

"Well if you're taking care of his twin brother then yes" shrignold said

"He's not my twin brother..." Smart yellow guy said behind Harley

(And then ever since that day it's been like a perfect family Lezley and Roy also lived with them so that way smart yellow guy can always be with his real parents)

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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